ESPhome multiple nodes

please post how many nodes you managed to configure and they work in the same time with esphome, i have configured 8 and at no. 9 the wifi ap from the router keeps dropping and the entities are not available. On each node i had one DHT, one switch and one binary sensor( now i am trying one more time wthout the switch after failed configuring tasmota)

edit: tried three diferent routers, same issue

Nice to hear… For the moment I am not sure but I have similar issue with one of my nodes. It just won’t connect to my AP but I might be wrong. Waiting new Sonoff devces to be sure. But normally There’s no limit afaik. Thery are just connected to the router… but let me report as soon as I got my new devices. For the moment my magical limit seems to be 8… the eith doesn’t work but Maybe hardware issue as well :slight_smile:

My isp supplied router had a hard limit of 16 wireless clients. Maybe you have reached a similar limit?

there is no such limit and even not connected to internet acts the same. I guess something else happens like frequency interference or something. just bought a new router that has log, trying to find what is happening.

Start with the esphome log.

INFO 200 GET / ( 8.79ms
INFO 304 GET /static/materialize.min.css?hash=ec1df3ba ( 2.88ms
INFO 304 GET /static/esphome.css?hash=ad6176a4 ( 2.78ms
INFO 304 GET /static/jquery.min.js?hash=2f6b11a7 ( 2.58ms
INFO 304 GET /static/materialize-stepper.min.css?hash=a7ad7ee2 ( 3.28ms
INFO 304 GET /static/jquery-ui.min.js?hash=a0b1425d ( 2.45ms
INFO 304 GET /static/jquery.validate.min.js?hash=b2d2cf16 ( 3.14ms
INFO 304 GET /static/materialize.min.js?hash=4be20daf ( 2.96ms
INFO 304 GET /static/materialize-stepper.min.js?hash=9f34c4ff ( 3.16ms
INFO 304 GET /static/ace.js?hash=2280cf05 ( 3.51ms
INFO 304 GET /static/esphome.js?hash=1805848d ( 2.60ms
INFO 304 GET / ( 8.38ms
INFO 200 GET /static/jquery-ui.min.js?hash=a0b1425d ( 7.09ms
INFO 304 GET /static/theme-dreamweaver.js ( 2.35ms
INFO 304 GET /static/mode-yaml.js ( 2.35ms
INFO 101 GET /ace ( 1.95ms
INFO Running command ‘esphome --dashboard -q /config/esphome vscode --ace’

esphome log seems to be ok. and in the router log appears to be ok too.

in hassio log i got this error but google it and seems to be normal.

ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN] sslv3 alert certificate unknown (_ssl.c:1056)
2019-06-05 04:50:51 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: SSL handshake failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “uvloop/sslproto.pyx”, line 500, in uvloop.loop.SSLProtocol._on_handshake_complete
File “uvloop/sslproto.pyx”, line 484, in uvloop.loop.SSLProtocol._do_handshake
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/”, line 763, in do_handshake

The log from the esphome gui that shows the device booting.

this log is after ota update and the nodemcu is close to router, dht and the other sensor not connected

DATA: [==== ] 39.6% (used 32460 bytes from 81920 bytes)
PROGRAM: [=== ] 31.4% (used 327564 bytes from 1044464 bytes)
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 39.16 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Connecting to
INFO Uploading /data/bucatarie/.pioenvs/bucatarie/firmware.bin (331712 bytes)
Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done…

INFO Waiting for result…
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from using esphome API
INFO Connecting to (
WARNING Initial connection failed. The ESP might not be connected to WiFi yet (Error connecting to timed out). Re-Trying in 1 seconds
INFO Connecting to (
INFO Successfully connected to
[11:19:56][I][app:095]: esphome version 1.13.4 compiled on Jun 5 2019, 11:19:29
[11:19:56][C][wifi:368]: WiFi:
[11:19:56][C][wifi:250]: SSID: [redacted]
[11:19:56][C][wifi:251]: IP Address:
[11:19:56][C][wifi:253]: BSSID: [redacted]
[11:19:56][C][wifi:254]: Hostname: ‘bucatarie’
[11:19:56][C][wifi:258]: Signal strength: -56 dB ▂▄▆█
[11:19:56][C][wifi:259]: Channel: 2
[11:19:56][C][wifi:260]: Subnet:
[11:19:56][C][wifi:261]: Gateway:
[11:19:56][C][wifi:262]: DNS1:
[11:19:56][C][wifi:263]: DNS2:
[11:19:56][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor ‘bucatariefereastra’
[11:19:56][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: Device Class: ‘opening’
[11:19:56][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO12 (Mode: INPUT_PULLUP)
[11:19:56][C][logger:137]: Logger:
[11:19:56][C][logger:138]: Level: DEBUG
[11:19:56][C][logger:139]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[11:19:56][C][logger:140]: Hardware UART: UART0
[11:19:56][C][dht:017]: DHT:
[11:19:56][C][dht:018]: Pin: GPIO5 (Mode: INPUT)
[11:19:56][C][dht:024]: Model: DHT22 (or equivalent)
[11:19:56][C][dht:027]: Update Interval: 42.0s
[11:19:56][C][dht:029]: Temperature ‘bucatarie-temperatura’
[11:19:56][C][dht:029]: Unit of Measurement: ‘°C’
[11:19:56][C][dht:029]: Accuracy Decimals: 1
[11:19:56][C][dht:029]: Icon: ‘mdi:thermometer’
[11:19:56][C][dht:030]: Humidity ‘bucatarie-umiditate’
[11:19:56][C][dht:030]: Unit of Measurement: ‘%’
[11:19:56][C][dht:030]: Accuracy Decimals: 0
[11:19:56][C][dht:030]: Icon: ‘mdi:water-percent’
[11:19:56][C][ota:029]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[11:19:56][C][ota:030]: Address:
[11:19:56][C][api:102]: API Server:
[11:19:56][C][api:103]: Address:
[11:20:16][W][dht:120]: Requesting data from DHT failed!
[11:20:16][W][dht:058]: Invalid readings! Please check your wiring (pull-up resistor, pin number).

first time i was powering the nodes from 5v 3amp / 5 nodes and noticed around 3v at nodemcu pins, so i thought maybe it is not enough. Now changed power supply to 9v 2amp/ 5 nodes and measured around 3.3v at odemcu pins and i give it another try…( i have allready 8 nodes and wifi works normally programming next one :smiley: . Hope the wifi keeps working when i spread the nodes in the house.)

seems like everything works great for a few hours.:slight_smile: with the 9v power supply the voltage regulator feels a little warm(on the nodemcu) but works ok. i will search a 8v or 7v to see if there are diferences.
thanks for hosting me here!

everything seems to be ok for the last day. thanks ha and esphome! nice work!

yesterday after 3-4 days of working normal the issue appears again. Had to restart the router and t went wild again signal drops and can not connect to it with anything.
google helped me with some router settings: set control channel to 11 and channel bandwidth to 20 mhz and everything went back to normal.