Esphome & nextion tft lcd

ok, can be done. in the editor need to set “isbr” to true.

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Question is now black (burned) :slight_smile:

Dear People, I have a problem with my esphome configuration with an nextion display. Actually I have it completely working, only I get an annoying message. I use a number of sensors that I want to show on page 3. Now I have the config so that this also happens. But if I am now on a different page then I get a warning (yellow) in my log from my esphome (see attachment). I expect to somehow have to point my sensors to page3 but I just don’t know how to do this. i hope you can help me with this.

rx_pin: D9
tx_pin: D10
baud_rate: 9600


  • platform: nextion
    update_interval: 1s
    lambda: |-

                auto time_text = id(sntp_time).now().strftime("%X");
                it.set_component_text("text_time", time_text.c_str());
                auto date_text = id(sntp_time).now().strftime("%x");
                it.set_component_text("text_date", date_text.c_str());
                auto week_text = id(sntp_time).now().strftime("%W");
                it.set_component_text("weeknr", week_text.c_str());          
                auto time = id(sntp_time).now();
             it.set_component_text_printf("outside","%2.1f", id(temp).state);
             it.set_component_text_printf("vocht","%2.1f", id(vocht).state);
             it.set_component_text_printf("rain","%2.1f", id(rain).state);       
             it.set_component_text_printf("lux","%2.1f", id(lux).state);
             it.set_component_text_printf("luxin","%2.1f", id(lux_woonkamer).state);
             it.set_component_text_printf("vochtin","%2.1f", id(hum_woonkamer).state);
             it.set_component_text_printf("inside","%2.1f", id(temp_woonkamer).state);  


  • platform: sntp
    id: sntp_time


  • platform: homeassistant
    id: temp
    entity_id: sensor.sensor_box_am2301_13_temperature

  • platform: homeassistant
    id: vocht
    entity_id: sensor.sensor_box_am2301_13_humidity

  • platform: homeassistant
    id: rain
    entity_id: sensor.tfa_80_0c_rain_total

  • platform: homeassistant
    id: lux
    entity_id: sensor.sensor_box_bh1750_illuminance

  • platform: wifi_signal
    name: “WiFi signal HMI”
    update_interval: 60s

  • platform: hdc1080
    name: “Temp_woonkamer”
    id: temp_woonkamer
    name: “Humidity_woonkamer”
    id: hum_woonkamer
    update_interval: 5s

  • platform: bh1750
    id: lux_woonkamer
    name: “BH1750_lux_woonkamer”
    address: 0x23
    measurement_time: 69
    update_interval: 5s

sda: D2
scl: D1
scan: False


  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 3
    name: “hmi_rolluik_keuken_omhoog”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 6
    name: “hmi_rolluik_keuken_omlaag”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 4
    name: “hmi_rolluik_straat_omhoog”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 8
    name: “hmi_rolluik_straat_omlaag”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 5
    name: “hmi_voordeur_omhoog”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 7
    name: “hmi_voordeur_omlaag”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 3
    name: “100%nl”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 5
    name: “Qmusic”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 6
    name: “538”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 4
    name: “woonkamer_speaker_uit”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 10
    name: “volume_12”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 9
    name: “volume_14”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 8
    name: “volume_16”

  • platform: nextion
    page_id: 4
    component_id: 7
    name: “volume_18”


  • platform: restart
    name: “Reset HMI”

  • platform: shutdown
    name: “Uitschakelen HMI”


  • platform: esp8266_pwm
    pin: D8
    id: pwm_output


  • platform: monochromatic
    output: pwm_output
    name: “buzzer”

[23:58:09][D][nextion:209]: Got touch page=3 component=1 type=PRESS
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[23:58:10][W][nextion:177]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!

Please format all your code correctly.

What do you mean ?

I’m trying to display the state of the binary sensor ON and OFF, I can’t display it on the screen, I’ve tried various options but unsuccessfully.

  - platform: homeassistant   # Kitchen window
    id: win_kitchen
    entity_id: sensor.window_kitchen


  - platform: nextion
    id: teplomer
    update_interval: 5s
    lambda: |-

I try %s (String of characters) but nothing. How to print binary state of sensor?
Log of esphome [00:15:32][W][homeassistant.sensor:014]: Can’t convert ‘ON’ to number!

P.S. It is work i understand

  - platform: homeassistant   # Kitchen window
    id: win_kitchen
    entity_id: sensor.window_kitchen


I try to get mine to work but I got error from the esphome log screen “received unknown filler end bytes from Nextion!”. What did I do wrong? I check all the examples but unable to get it to work with esphome.

On the esphome long it showed message of “Sending command ‘t0.txt=Hellooo’ failed because no ACK was received … : Waiting for ACK timed out!” but nothing on the display. I flip the tx and rx but still same result.

I’m plugging my nextion PR for esphome.

It has a ton of improvements, including tft Ota. We are working hard on getting this merged.


Been following what your are doing and thanks for that.
Will the documentation also be updated?

There is a PR for it and will be updated once we get closer to merging. I actually am planning on updating it soon though.


Did you solve this?

Hi, long time no see. After a few updates of a lot of stuff further my text sensor is not properly filled anymore in the display. Also I get errors but I do not know what they mean. Anyone able to direct?

[12:40:46][C][api:143]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[12:40:46][C][homeassistant.text_sensor:023]: Homeassistant Text Sensor 't10_text'
[12:40:46][C][homeassistant.text_sensor:024]:   Entity ID: 'sensor.nextiont0_text'
[12:40:46][C][homeassistant.text_sensor:023]: Homeassistant Text Sensor 'dim_text'
[12:40:46][C][homeassistant.text_sensor:024]:   Entity ID: 'sensor.nextiondim_text'
[12:40:46][C][homeassistant.text_sensor:023]: Homeassistant Text Sensor 'uart_text'
[12:40:46][C][homeassistant.text_sensor:024]:   Entity ID: 'sensor.nextion_uart'
[12:40:49][E][nextion:1107]: This command is deprecated
[12:40:49][V][component:199]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[12:40:49][V][component:200]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:40:49][W][nextion:395]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[12:40:54][E][nextion:1107]: This command is deprecated
[12:40:54][V][component:199]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[12:40:54][V][component:200]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:40:54][W][nextion:395]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[12:40:59][E][nextion:1107]: This command is deprecated
[12:40:59][V][component:199]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[12:40:59][V][component:200]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:40:59][W][nextion:395]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[12:41:04][E][nextion:1107]: This command is deprecated
[12:41:04][V][component:199]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[12:41:04][V][component:200]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:41:04][W][nextion:395]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!
[12:41:09][E][nextion:1107]: This command is deprecated
[12:41:09][V][component:199]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[12:41:09][V][component:200]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[12:41:09][W][nextion:395]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!

What command is deprecated?

I believe this is relevant:

  rx_pin: D7
  tx_pin: D5
  baud_rate: 9600

  - platform: nextion
    lambda: |-
      it.set_component_text("t10", id(t10_text).state.c_str());

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: t10_text
    entity_id: sensor.nextiont0_text
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: dim_text
    entity_id: sensor.nextiondim_text
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: uart_text
    entity_id: sensor.nextion_uart

There must be more code.
The log says you are asking for a variable from nextion that does not exist.

This is all regarding nextion

  rx_pin: D7
  tx_pin: D5
  baud_rate: 9600

  - platform: nextion
    lambda: |-
      it.set_component_text("t10", id(t10_text).state.c_str());

  - platform: homeassistant
    id: t10_text
    entity_id: sensor.nextiont0_text
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: dim_text
    entity_id: sensor.nextiondim_text 
  - platform: homeassistant
    id: uart_text
    entity_id: sensor.nextion_uart

  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 0
    component_id: 3
    name: "Nextion.Button.Doorbel"
    id: Nextion_Button_Doorbel
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 2
    name: "Nextion.Button.Package delivered"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 1
    component_id: 3
    name: "Nextion.Button.Package not delivered"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 2
    component_id: 1
    name: "Nextion.Button.mailbox"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 2
    component_id: 2
    name: "Nextion.Button.binbox"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 2
    component_id: 3
    name: "Nextion.Button.other"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 0
    component_id: 2
    name: "Nextion.Button.watchme"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 6
    component_id: 5
    name: "Nextion.Button.delivered37"
  - platform: nextion
    page_id: 6
    component_id: 6
    name: "Nextion.Button.delivered8"
  - platform: uart
    name: "dim1"
    data: 'dim=1'
  - platform: uart
    name: "dim20"
    data: 'dim=20'
  - platform: uart
    name: "dim100"
    data: 'dim=100'
  - platform: uart
    name: "dimsave"
    data: [0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF]

These are the nextion variables, make sure all is still in the tft/hmi file

100% all is in. It used to work when I made it at that time. No errors then.

But what does these mean:
[13:53:56][E][nextion:1107]: This command is deprecated
[13:53:56][V][component:199]: Component nextion.display took a long time for an operation (0.08 s).
[13:53:56][V][component:200]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms.
[13:53:56][W][nextion:395]: Nextion reported variable name invalid!

First three don’t know for sure.
The last one is that the ESP is asking for a variable that is not there or not global.

My guess is that the fourth one is the reason for the other three.

Ok, but how do I discover what command is deprecated then?