Esphome nodemcu v1.0 pin error

Hello, I am using nodemcu v1.0 and vre 11
when I try to load the configuration, an error appears

Failed config

pin: [source /config/esphome/server-temperature.yaml:33]

Component not found: pin.

I tried writing D4 or 04 but it doesn’t work

I will be glad of your advice

post your yaml, no crystal ball here…

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Preferably a link to the purchased board and yaml

Simple: use the gpio number, not d numbers.

So… If you post a question about your config or an error caused from your config. Do you think you might want to also post your config with the question?

When you assigned D4 to pin, did you make a typo and use a period ( . ) after pin? Thats what it looks like and it needs to be

pin: D4


pin. D4

Its hard to say really. My crystal ball is at the shop getting some wicked flames painted on it so, your gonna need to post your yaml.