Esphome on windows docker - Unable to compile the configuration

I’m trying to setup esphome on windows docker,
I plugged the d1 mini and while trying to connect
getting “Unable to compile the configuration”

I tried:
reset the device
re plug it while connect window is open

compose file:

version: '3.7'


    container_name: esphome
    image: esphome/esphome:latest
      - ./config:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: always
    privileged: true
     - "6052:6052"

I did verify the device is working
as installing basic installation
working via:

I am not exactly sure how your setup is, but docker is a virtualization software, which means direct hardware access is often not available.

What does “trying to connect mean”.

What command did you run to make esphome run in docker on windows?

Esphome gives good logs, please make use of them :slight_smile: