ESPHome on windows: ESP requests password but no password given


I’m pretty new to ESPHome. Can’t run it on my HA on RPi because the pi crashes. So, I’m running it on windows with python.

Now, I am trying to change a device using OTA. It requires a password. That’s nice, but I can’t figure out the command for running a .yaml with password.

If I do esphome run device.yaml --password dfjslfweroiufswl it gives me the error: ESP requests password but no password given.
If I do esphome run device.yaml auth=slfjowuerwkf it does the same.
If I do without any password, it does the same.

Password is correct though. So it must be the wrong command, I think? How do I connect with a password?

esphome --help doesn’t give any clue ? I checked doc but I see nothing allowing ota password protected ! Or put the password in the yaml ? as ota parameters !

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–help didn’t really help. I tried, but it only gave info about MQTT password.

You did though! Putting the password in the yaml was the solution. I was trying to change it in the yaml, but that needs to be done differently apparently. Now to figure out how I do that.

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