ESPHome pi4 clean python env install

I am looking to install ESPHome.
I have a pi4 4Gig. Had issues with and Hassbian, so now I have gone the BusterLite with a python virtual environment route.
Initially there is an ESPHome selection looking for HOST and Port info, but this seemed premature as I have no modules programmed yet. Hit the finish button, filled other info but there now appears to be no way back to those input choices.
I have come close with the ESPHome install before (in Hassbian, would not compile). Without the addons, do I follow the same procedure and install in the python HA directory?
I’ll go to the ESPHome site and ask the same question there.
pi3 appears to have far less issues.

Ok. still learning. ESPHome runs independantly. Think updating python is the issue. Keep anyone interested posted.

Create a second venv with python 2.7, activate it and install it there.

HA and ESPHome can’t live in the same venv.

Just go the docker route, works well.

docker run --rm --net=host -v "${PWD}":/config -it esphome/esphome


Short of this is I’ve made inroads with both venv and dockers. Favoring Hassbian over Hassio. Getting error 404 file not found with both, but should be able to get to the bottom of that. So thanks.
Must admit, home assistant has not been a breeze. Haven’t even got to the yamls yet.

Well esphome is not part of home assistant.

After you run the docker line I gave you, you should see some output on the command line. Do you? If so what does it say?

The esphome site that link points to says the docker is only good for amd64 and to use pip or hassio add on for Rpi.

I do have the EspHome running on Hassio now. I’ll start experimenting there for now. I do intend to use Hassbian in the long run.

I hadn’t noticed that, and sorry for pushing you in that direction when it doesn’t work.

Although obviously there must be a raspberry pi docker image if you are using it as a hassio addon on pi.

Looking into it further, there do seem to be images for armv7 and aarch64 so maybe the docs are out of date. What happens when you run the docker line above?

Run on Hassbian the command invokes the following response
-bash: docker: command not found
so I went here and installed docker for buster pi4

The docker appears to install without any glitches.
invoking “docker pull esphome/esphome”
esphome pulls down but I get
“standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”
failed to resize tty, using default size”
which implies it may opened a terminal window somewhere, but I’m working headless through ssh. But ps shows no terminal processes. I could hook up an hdmi screen?
Most of these manual commands do work in the python venv. Just need to get the browser GUI going.(which does work for me on hassio) Also works in python on windows, so I’m really not stuck anymore.
When the docker approach is posted on esphome, I will definitely give it a try, as I have already installed docker.