ESPHome powered Fan controller (PID Control)

ESPHome fans!

I’m here to give back. I built a ESPHome Fan Controller. It is a quiet thermostat controlled fan for cooling your media console, cupboard or other enclosed area with Gaming Consoles (PS5) and Computers.

Uses ESPHome, PID Climate and Home Assistant. ESP32 with a 12v 120mm Computer Fan (PWM) and a DHT11 Temperature Sensor.

The result is buttery-smooth fan speed changes in response to temperature changes.

It took me a while to find the right PID values for a slow response cooling system like this so I hope the instructions helps others.

In addition I figured out how to make the PID values controllable from Home Assistant for faster tuning.

Build instructions and more details here:

I welcome your feedback!


After the climate goes below the set value, the task is turned off, when returning back, the cooling does not turn on until you restart the esp. What can be wrong?

Well done! How is it holding up now? Any issues or changes you’d make? I’m looking to do something similar shortly.

Still working perfectly for me @help-for-me. My wife doesn’t hear it and it keeps the cabinet cool. I have submitted a patch to ESPHome that gives even greater control over the PID Controller.