ESPhome pulse_meter platform unit of measurement

I’m getting this in my logs for a ESPhome based fish feeder:

The unit of sensor.fish_feeder_counter (times) does not match the unit of already compiled statistics (time(s)). Generation of long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit changes back to time(s). Go to to fix this

I have this in my yaml for the device:

# Feeder counter pulse meter
  - platform: pulse_meter
    pin: GPIO12
    id: pulse_count
    name: 'pulses'
    internal_filter_mode: PULSE
    internal: true
      unit_of_measurement: 'times'
      name: 'Fish-feeder Counter'

I’m thinking i made a typo or i need a different unit of measurement, but not sure what the allowed units of measurement are. Should i make it time(s) or just time instead?

If you want to keep ‘times’ as the uom go to Developer Tools > Statistics and click on FIX ISSUE for the sensor.

Cool. Would you know what the difference is between times and time(s) ? I assuming one is in seconds but the other not sure. Or better yet, where can i find the unit descriptions. Can’t locate them on the esphome page.

Update: I changed the sensor to time(s), even though i have one sensor, i now see 2 graphs. Not a bad thing or anything although i do wonder how to remove the old graph now :slight_smile:

And finally now i see this message in the logs :
The normalized unit of sensor.fish_feeder_counter (times(s)) does not match the unit of already compiled statistics (time(s)). Generation of long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit changes back to time(s). Go to to fix this

It’s the same uom but now it says ‘normalised’ and apparently still not matching. What’s going on …

FIX the issue as I instructed above.

I literally can’t (as i made a typo and typed times(s) instead of time(s), i probably should have clicked FIX the first time around :slight_smile:

i get :

The unit of sensor.fish_feeder_counter is changing, got multiple {'times(s)', 'time(s)'}, generation of long term statistics will be suppressed unless the unit is stable and matches the unit of already compiled statistics (time(s)). Go to to fix this

and next to the sensor in developer tools i get no FIX option. Maybe i need to wait as it seems to suggest?