ESPHOme + PZEM-004Z, current is always 0 A


I have upgraded from Tasmota to EspHome and now the current value is always 0A. Voltage is displayed correctly, Power is always 2W (wrong). On Tasmota the displayed values were OK and the HW hasn’t been changed in the upgrade.

The setup is this:

  - platform: pzem004t
      name: "${device_name} Current"
      name: "${device_name} Voltage"
      name: "${device_name} Power"
      name: "${device_name} Energy"
    update_interval: 5s


Any help would be appreciated, I’m stuck :frowning:

Hello Marko,

are you certain you have the old (not sold anymore since years) pzem004t version (namely v1 or v2)? Because you use that integration :point_down:

In the docs you will find that red box (can’t really miss it) and it tells you the way in case you have the version 3 :rocket:

Mea culpa!

I disconnected everything to avoid any shocks… So 0A was really 0A :slight_smile:

I apologize for wasting your time :frowning:

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