I’m hoping there’s a simple answer to this… After extensive searching, both in the formal homeassistant.io documentation and here in the community, as well as elsewhere, I haven’t found anything…
Is there a way to print “raw” to the log/console/output, without the Time/Level/Log info at the beginning?
In other words, I would like a “raw” string like
to appear on its own line, i.e. beginning with the string “Raw:”, as opposed to something like:
[8:10:01][I][main:241]: Raw:1,2,3
One more thing, if I may: I’d like to “format” it, using lambda or the like, to include variables, something like this:
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGI(“main”, “Raw:%.0d,%.0d,%.0d,”, id(x),id(y),id(z);
(of course, this produces the undesired Time/Level/Log string at the beginning, as above, so doesn’t meet my need.)
I’ve researched logger.log, ESP_LOGx, printf, and more…
I saw something about using “system_log.write”, but because my application will be very chatty, I don’t want to “pollute” the “real” system log with this, as its size is limited.
Thanks in advance!