Esphome reduce wifi congestion

Hi all,

I was just wondering if there’s a configuration parameter/item in Esphome device yaml file so that the devices can connect (to wifi) on a regular basis and report their state, or get instructions (from MQTT) in order to lower the wifi congestion, instead of being connected 24/7.

I have about 10 esphome devices in my house, from controlling heat (electric radiators), to ble tracker and some more to come. Plus my regular stuff that doesn’t support Wifi 5Ghz (printer, robot vacuum, harmony hub, a phone and tablet…). This leads to my Wifi 2.4Ghz becoming more and more slow/congectionned. My 5Ghz wifi is very stable and all devices supporting it are already configured to use it (phones, laptops, amazon echos…)

Thanks for your help

Look into deep sleep.

I still need the esp devices to continue to operate relays, sensors and stuff offline but connect on wifi only to report a change in sensor values, or get commands from MQTT to operate the relays on a regular basis.

Improve your wifi infrastructure.

Hi @rak

I need to keep some of my esphome relays open/closed during the disconnect period, I beleive deep sleep will cut signal to the relays. Also one of my esphome devices is a max7219 dot matrix clock that doesn’t need wifi/internet pemanently.

Could be a nice feature in esphome to allow wifi disconnect.

Agreed. For the relay you might find a solution with bi stable relays.