ESPHome reinstall

I’m a very novice on HA and use it very basically for quite some time now.

I want to updatre my ESPHome integration and read that you just have to add it as a new integration.

OK, after doing this it asks for host name: I have the IP for Home Assistant (moved from a windows virtual machine to the yellow platform recently) I’m absolutely sure of the IP but I am stuck here.

What should I do next ?
Sorry for the dumb question
an old guy from France

It is asking for the ip address of the esp device.

As I wroye earlier, my HA Yellow has so I assume it is what ESPHome want ?
but it does not work

No. The address of the esp device, not the yellow.

Thanks for help, so you mean IP address of the wifi ESP32 module where the firmware is loaded ?

That’s the one, just like I keep saying.

Thank you very much for your help.
I’m a real new to all that without any programing skill at all so…