ESPHome rolling average using template sensors and filters

I want to make a 24 hour rolling average of a sensor value. Currently, the sensor value comes in about every 1-2 minutes but it isn’t reliable. I’d like to take those values coming from it and rolling average them across 24 hours so I can see the trending change over time.

My brain keeps getting “wrapped around the axle” because I’m pretty sure I need to use the sliding_window_moving_average here but I’m not sure how to structure it. I think it would be cool if the sensor value updated every minute or every ten minutes to give me the last 24 hours of average data but I don’t want to get bogus (un-averaged data) either as the window is filling up with values.

I see that I can define a send_every and send_at_first value. Can I define the following to get minutely-updated data averaged over the last hour while avoiding an un-full window average for the first 59 measurements?

    name: Rolling hourly measurement
    update_interval: 60s
    lambda: >
      return id(my_sensors_id).state;
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 60
          send_every: 1
          send_at_first: 60

Also, I’m sure there are limits to how big we can make the window size but I don’t know what they are and how to tell if I’m close to the limit. If I can do what I’m asking about above, could I do this definition below and get a minutely-updated data averaged over the last 24 hours while avoiding an un-full window average for the first 1439 measurements?

    name: Rolling 24 hour measurement
    update_interval: 60s
    lambda: >
      return id(my_sensors_id).state;
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 1440
          send_every: 1
          send_at_first: 1440


Bah, ESPHome won’t even compile the YAML like that. It doesn’t allow send_first_at to be greater than send_every. Is there no way to avoid reporting partially filled moving average pipeline data?

I did a bunch of experiments and determined that the best way to do it is to update the sliding_window_moving_average as often as possible and let the window perform its magic. That way you get a very smooth transition to your new state:


These are test results of me creating a step function with an ultrasonic distance sensor. I’d point it at my bookshelf like half a meter away and then immediately at the ceiling ~1.5m away. You can see the various divisions I created for smoothing out that step function. I believe the 30 minute rolling average is a logarithmic decay because the window wasn’t full when I flipped it from 1.5m to 0.5m.

Anyway, I’m gonna mark this one as solved.

What was your final config for this ultrasonic sensor?

I’m using this, it gives me a good accurate value within 25 seconds:

  - platform: ultrasonic
    update_interval: 5s
    timeout: 4.0m
    trigger_pin: TX
    echo_pin: RX
    name: Distance
    id: distance
      - median:
          window_size: 5
          send_every: 5
          send_first_at: 3

I think with this thread (so long ago) I was also trying to figure out a good way to report AQI data. I got a few of these PMSX003 Particulate Matter Sensor — ESPHome sensors. What I found was that normal professionally calculated/reported AQI data is a 24-hour mean and is sampled hourly so the data your looking at is really slow… like 12 hours ago. I wanted something that’s much more rapid like 30-minutes ago – aligning more to what I’m experiencing. So, I used my experimentation data to come up with this:

  node_name: airquality
  friendly_name: AirQuality
  board: nodemcu-32s
  log_level: WARN

  my_window_size: '60'
  my_send_every: '30'
  my_send_first_at: '10'

  wifi: !include common/wifi.yaml
  device_base: !include common/device_base_esp32.yaml

  rx_pin: 16
  baud_rate: 9600

  sda: GPIO21
  scl: GPIO22

  - id: c_low
    type: float
  - id: c_high
    type: float
  - id: i_low
    type: float
  - id: i_high
    type: float

  - platform: dht
    pin: GPIO19
      name: "${friendly_name} Temperature"
      id: ${node_name}_temperature
      name: "${friendly_name} Humidity"
      id: ${node_name}_humidity
    update_interval: 60s
    model: dht22_type2
  - platform: ccs811
      name: "${friendly_name} CO2"
        - filter_out: 65021
      name: "${friendly_name} TVOC"
        - filter_out: 65021
    address: 0x5A
    update_interval: 60s
    temperature: ${node_name}_temperature
    humidity: ${node_name}_humidity
    # baseline: 0xF4FF
  - platform: pmsx003
    type: PMSX003
      name: "${friendly_name} Particulate Matter <1.0µm Concentration"
      id: ${node_name}_pm_1_0
      accuracy_decimals: 1
        - sliding_window_moving_average:
            window_size: ${my_window_size}
            send_every: ${my_send_every}
            send_first_at: ${my_send_first_at}
      name: "${friendly_name} Particulate Matter <2.5µm Concentration"
      id: ${node_name}_pm_2_5
      accuracy_decimals: 1
        - sliding_window_moving_average:
            window_size: ${my_window_size}
            send_every: ${my_send_every}
            send_first_at: ${my_send_first_at}
      name: "${friendly_name} Particulate Matter <10.0µm Concentration"
      id: ${node_name}_pm_10_0
      accuracy_decimals: 1
        - sliding_window_moving_average:
            window_size: ${my_window_size}
            send_every: ${my_send_every}
            send_first_at: ${my_send_first_at}

  - platform: template
    name: ${friendly_name} PM 1.0 rolling 30 minute average
    id: ${node_name}_pm_1_0_rolling_30_minute_average
    unit_of_measurement: µg/m³
    icon: mdi:molecule
    update_interval: 2s
    lambda: >
      return id(${node_name}_pm_1_0).state;
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 900
          send_every: 15
          send_first_at: 15
  - platform: template
    name: ${friendly_name} PM 2.5 rolling 30 minute average
    id: ${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average
    unit_of_measurement: µg/m³
    icon: mdi:molecule
    update_interval: 2s
    lambda: >
      return id(${node_name}_pm_2_5).state;
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 900
          send_every: 15
          send_first_at: 15
  - platform: template
    name: ${friendly_name} PM 10.0 rolling 30 minute average
    id: ${node_name}_pm_10_0_rolling_30_minute_average
    unit_of_measurement: µg/m³
    icon: mdi:molecule
    update_interval: 2s
    lambda: >
      return id(${node_name}_pm_10_0).state;
      - sliding_window_moving_average:
          window_size: 900
          send_every: 15
          send_first_at: 15

  - platform: template
    name: ${friendly_name} Air Quality Index
    unit_of_measurement: AQI
    device_class: aqi
    state_class: measurement
    icon: mdi:pine-tree-fire
    accuracy_decimals: 0
    lambda: >
      if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state > 500.4) {
        return NAN;
      } else if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state >= 350.5) {
        id(i_high) = 500.0;
        id(i_low)  = 401.0;
        id(c_high) = 500.0;
        id(c_low)  = 350.5;
      } else if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state >= 250.5) {
        id(i_high) = 400.0;
        id(i_low)  = 301.0;
        id(c_high) = 350.4;
        id(c_low)  = 250.5;
      } else if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state >= 150.5) {
        id(i_high) = 300.0;
        id(i_low)  = 201.0;
        id(c_high) = 250.4;
        id(c_low)  = 150.5;
      } else if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state >= 55.5) {
        id(i_high) = 200.0;
        id(i_low)  = 151.0;
        id(c_high) = 150.4;
        id(c_low)  = 55.5;
      } else if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state >= 35.5) {
        id(i_high) = 150.0;
        id(i_low)  = 101.0;
        id(c_high) = 55.4;
        id(c_low)  = 35.5;
      } else if (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state >= 12.1) {
        id(i_high) = 100.0;
        id(i_low)  = 51.0;
        id(c_high) = 35.4;
        id(c_low)  = 12.1;
      } else {
        id(i_high) = 50.0;
        id(i_low)  = 0.0;
        id(c_high) = 12.0;
        id(c_low)  = 0.0;
      return round(((id(i_high) - id(i_low))/(id(c_high) - id(c_low))) * (id(${node_name}_pm_2_5_rolling_30_minute_average).state - id(c_low)) + id(i_low));

  - platform: template
    name: ${friendly_name} AQI Color
    icon: mdi:pine-tree-fire
    id: ${node_name}_aqi_color
    update_interval: never

The configuration above yields this beautiful data:

Have I mentioned that I love ESPHome? :smiley:

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Ditto!!! my ESPHome file to control the stove is 633 lines of code! Im amazed at how versatile ESPHome is and just how much you can do with it. your PMSX003 code is interesting. I made one as well when I lived in Sonoma County CA and we had fires every frigging year. I moved to Idaho a few yrs ago so now we now have clean air AND freedom, so I no longer need it.

Im using your filter idea to smooth some sensors in my pellet stove ultrasonic level sensor and temp sensors that fluctuate all over the place. works great

What a coincidence, I’ve been living in Idaho since 2001!! Nice to find a “local” on here! Funny you say that the air is “clean”. It has gotten substantially worse since we moved here. When I look at the last few months there were quite a few days where the AQI was RED (including a big one over Christmas)! :frowning:

I guess this might be “clean” when compared to California’s air.

Anyway, this is why I invested in building a house air cleaning system…

I’ve put these little AQI sensors all over my house so I can monitor the quality of the air inside and out. I also got several "smart"ish air purifiers that I can control with HA so I could kick them on if that room’s AQI goes south. My house was built in 1982 so it isn’t very airtight construction. When we have prolonged periods of smoky weather outside, it eventually seeps in and the purifiers kick on to clean it out. Highly recommended!

ok, mabe you can help. I want to turn this rocking Lambda filter use in all my Plotly graphs into something I can use in ESPHome’s sensor filters. It works better than any filter I can find and when using it w/ Plotly, you can immediately see the results of changes made to the values:

 - entity: sensor.esph_house_raw_pellet_level_in_percent
    name: Level Lambda Smoothing applied
      right_margin: 40
      color: yellow
      shape: spline
      width: 1
      smoothing: 1
    lambda: |-
      (ys, xs) => {
        const MINUTES = 8 // <-- change here

        const window_size_ms = 1000*60*MINUTES 
        const result = {x:[], y:[]}
        let x_next = +xs[0] + window_size_ms
        let y_accum = 0
        let y_count = 0
        for (let i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
          const x = +xs[i]
          const y = +ys[i]
          if (x>x_next){
            result.x.push(new Date(x_next))
            y_accum = 0
            y_count = 0
            x_next = +x + window_size_ms
          if (y){
            // ignore unavailable/unknown state points
            y_accum += y
            y_count ++
        return result;

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Could you explain your selections for the rolling average variables? I’m trying to understand what the 30, 60, 900, etc actually mean.

Maybe you can quote what exactly you’re talking about? I can’t tell by your description. If it’s the my_window_size that you’re referring to, I’m just using the window moving average in ESPHome to smooth out the signal. Take a look here: Sensor Component — ESPHome

Otherwise, please send the code you’re asking about and I’ll try to explain.