Esphome script only fired once


I have an ESPhome script which is only fired once, The script should have an engine run for 10 minutes if it is off for over 24 hours to prevent the engine from getting stuck.
this goes well after the first 24 hours. but after 48h, 10m I would expect a second run to be triggered but for some reason this doesn’t happen.

My script is like this

  - id: set_status_led
  - id: daily_run
    - delay: 1 d
    - switch.turn_on: daily_run_triggerd
    - switch.turn_on: switch_1
    - delay: 10 min
    - switch.turn_off: daily_run_triggerd
    - switch.turn_off: switch_1

and it is triggered on turn of

  - platform: template
    name: ${switch_name_1} daily run triggerd
    id: daily_run_triggerd
    entity_category: config
    restore_state: true
    optimistic: true
  - platform: gpio
    name: ${switch_name_1}
    pin: GPIO12
    id: switch_1
      - script.execute: set_status_led
      - if:
            - switch.is_off: daily_run_triggerd
            - script.stop: daily_run
      - script.execute: set_status_led
      - script.execute: daily_run

in theory the last line of the script should trigger the script again, but I suppose I make some mistake here.

apparently the default mode is single, which might be a problem here

so I changed it to parallel

  - id: daily_run
    - delay: 1 d
    - switch.turn_on: daily_run_triggerd
    - switch.turn_on: switch_1
    - delay: 10 min
    - if:
          - switch.is_on: daily_run_triggerd
          - switch.turn_off: switch_1
          - switch.turn_off: daily_run_triggerd
    mode: parallel
    max_runs: 2

but now I’m wondering toes script.stop: Kill all instances or only the first?

at least I will give this one a try, any suggestions are still welcome

Why not use the time component if you want to do something regularly.

Good idea. This would be my fallback plan if I can’t get my first idea to work.
I could plan like 02:00 daily. However if my engine(under floor heating) runs every day. I don’t need this one to run at at 2:00

long delays introduce problems. What happens in power cut or if the esp reboots for some other reason?

I know.
Before I had this in ha automations. And I registered timestamps to avoid this issue.
After a reboot/update/power loss the delay starts over.
But it’s not an issue if one or maybe a few runs are missed because of this. It will be an issue if this happens for weeks or months in a row.
In the region where I live. Power interuptions are seldom. So at that point I’m willing to take the risk