ESPHome sensors not visible in InfluxDB

Hi there!

I’m struggling with my ESPHome devices and InfluxDB: The sensors of ESPHome devices are available in HA but not in InfluxDB although all other sensors are included. I can find all sensors in Influx except those from ESPHome devices.

I have no exclusions whatever in my configuration.yaml

Any suggestions?


I can see my esphome wemos pir sensor and temperature sensors in Grafana through Influx.
Which is your setup?

SELECT mean("value") FROM "state" WHERE ("entity_id" = 'wemos02_pir_sensor') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

Updating InfluxDB did the trick - don’t know why …
Now I get the readings from my MH-Z19 Co2 sensor with

SELECT mean("value") FROM "ppm" WHERE ("domain" = 'sensor' AND "entity_id" = 'mh_z19_co2_value') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
