ESPHome Simple serial receiver - help needed

I am working making some remote RF nodes using the RF24L01 modules that take to an Arduino and then will be connected to the serial port of an ESP32. multiply nodes one receiver.
I have all the Arduino-RF24 code working just need to get it working with the ESp32-ESPHome.
The receiver Arduino send out serial data to the ESP32 formatted as 3 bytes, [address, payload, battery value]
I would like to know how I can read the serial port of the ESP32 and process the data using ESPHome and then send it onto Home Assistant.
I have read the Custom UART Device but I now need to work out how to process the returned message from the serial port.
What I would like is to add a switch component and battery sensor component for each of the RF nodes I have both in ESPHome and HA. Then when the serial message comes in I process the correct switch / battery sensor in ESPHome based on the address of the device that has sent it and pass this onto HA.
Not sure if this makes sense. Just trying to get my head around how this is done in ESPHome and the YAMAL.