ESPHome Smart Mailbox

Hmmm … on the Espressif site they mention it as a RTC pin … Nevermind …

GPIO1 not being an RTC pin might be specific to the Nodemcu-32S.

Hey Guys, I know the post is old, but I despair on this topic. I can’t get it to work.

My wakeup code:

  run_duration: 1min
  sleep_duration: 720min
  wakeup_pin_mode: INVERT_WAKEUP
    mode: ANY_HIGH
        - GPIO25
        - GPIO26

I connected both microswitches to the board and it works, but it wakes up immediately after getting into deepsleep. On the lightest touch it wakes up and “INVERT_WAKEUP” does not work I think.
Do I need some resistors between the switches? I´m really new to this topic and I cant find some relatable sources.

Thank you very much in advance!

As you have them going high to wake, enable the GPIO pull-down resistors for the pins. This will hold them low until the switch closes (rather than floating, which as you found is very easy to disturb).

INVERT_WAKUP never worked for me. It would continually bounce between awake and sleep.

Thank you very much for your answer.

How can I do that? :sweat_smile:
Do you maybe have a documentation I can read into?

And do you have an alternative for INVERT_WAKEUP?

Actually… good question. The wake pin schema is not documented as supporting pull up/down.

You could try defining two GPIO binary sensors for pins GPIO25 and GPIO26 (your wake pins). In that config you can define pulldown in the pin schema. Follow the link on this page under pin schema If you don’t want to see the state of these pins in Home assistant, dont give them names, or set them to internal:true.

If that does not work you will have to add physical resistors from the pins to ground. 100K Ohm will do and will draw very little current when awake (zero when asleep).

I do not.

There was an issue open, but it went stale and was closed:

You could open a new issue.