ESPHome Smart Oil Diffuser & Nightlight

Wow, impressive work ! I’m not as skilled as you to do this kind of thing.

But if you manage to get a custom firmware that possibly works, I can beta test it if it’s helps you for something.


You can try it, it’s on my github.

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After 2 hours long trying to flash it (due to my poor soldering skills !), I finally get it. And it works very well ! I can set the fan on and off, and use “lava-lamp” light throught Home Assistant.

I hope OTA will work if there is an update cause it"s really a pain to do it by wire.

Thank you so much for your work Remi :+1: :heart:. Maybe it could be useful to put your config here : Device Type: Miscellaneous Devices | ESPHome-Devices ?

And another question, is it possible to use the light like a classic bulb (just on of off and choose a color ) ?

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OTA is working fine,
Sharing config to ESPHome wiki is a good idea, but i have no time yet, and it’s under development.

For the light color choice, I’ve tried, but haven’t found a solution yet.

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Even if the development still here, it’s a great thing that you can use Esphome with this device. I think I will use it for some more years now I can use it without a cloud based proprietary app !

Thanks again for your work.

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Pull request opened :wink:

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For interested people, I made an ESPHome configuration for Maxcio 400ML diffuser:

There are substitution variables:

  • room: for the room it is placed, I use it because I want to put the first letter uppercase
  • sufix is for IDs, because of lowercase
  • The timezone to be sure time will be the expected one
  • log_level to set the log level on compilation without needing to change it in the code
  • leds_off set it to “true” if you want to switch leds off by default when switching the diffuser to on
  • high_speed has to be set to “true” if yo uwant the mist strength directly to high when switching the diffuser on

It also send notifications when there is no more water and notification is cleared when it is OK.

I think it could be applied for other models but not tested.
GD-W32 Tasmota template was the original model.

Hop this helps, if the language is a problem please let me know and I will translate everything I could :slight_smile:

EDIT: for the 300/400/500ML I should have read the product detail better: only 500ML has wifi and we have to pay attention to choose the right model because all colors don’t have wifi.

For those who bought a Asakuki diffuser, is it the same for 300/400/500ML?
Because the configuration is for 500ML and even if I suppose the answer is yes, I would like to be sure :slight_smile:

And has someone bought one very recently? To be sure I won’t have the surprise of a non-flashable device :slight_smile:

My advice would be buy one which is better supported. I’ve never been totally satisfied with mine, always constant log errors or some quirky behaviour you have to live with. I just set up a new NUC for my home assistant and just trying to remember how you set it up even with this forum thread is a challenge in itself. I suspect I could easily spend twice as long making this diffuser work than it took to build the whole HA instance.

So if the Asakuki diffuser is not so good, which one is better supported?
And one which has not the new Realtek board now which make the device non-compatible :slight_smile: I have a Maxcio difuser which works enough for me but now it cannot be flashed anymore.

Else it is the advantage of ESPHome, I had nothing to do on the HA side so if re-installing I only have to add the device and the entities to Lovelace.
Which errors do you have?

For information, on I bought one which unfortunately has a non-flashable wbr3.
It becomes difficult to find a flashable diffuser since Tuya changed their board.

Can someone help me flash my Asakuki? It looks slightly different on the outside but has the exact same interior. I can’t flash it because it says serial device not detected. I think since it has a ESP too, I have to disable the ESP? I do that my grounding the reset of the ESP? Is there anywhere online that shows which pin of the ESP is RST?

So I use my USB TX/RX adapter to connect my USB TX to TYWE3S RX, USB RX to TYWE3S TX, ground to GPIO0 of TYWE3S, ground to USB ground, 3.3v to USB 3.3v, then [RST of ESP to any GND]

I completed the template with detailed instructions and an image Be sure to ground GPI0 to ground only during boot.

That’s the guide I used at first, but it mentioned grounding/bridging RST to GND on the MCU. (How do I find which is RST?), the MCU is the green board behind the blue, correct?

Here is a picture of mine

I soldered the GPIO0 to the GND, and have another from GND to (trying to find RST of green MCU). I hook my power and GND to the same PCB holes on the USB and it powers on. I then touch the WE5S TX/RX to my USB/Serial RX/TX, but it fails.

I belive this is because of the MCU or Im doing the GPIO incorrect.

Can anyone explain the RST pin in the linked asakuki guide?

Update: I got it to work. I just ignored the comment about RST/Reset pins in the guide and tried using esptool/whatever flasher right after I saw it appear in my device manager after powering on. If I got it early enough, it worked. If I waited too long, I think the MCU took over.

I now have my Asakuki flashed with ESPHome using the config I mentioned before, as a lot of other Tuya compatible diffusers use the same way.
As someone has replaced the WBR3 for me all is possible :slight_smile: this diffuser looks like better than this from Maxcio.


Is there anyone in the UK who would be willing to set one of these up for me (for a fee)?

I’m not familiar with the hardware or firmware side of things, and don’t really have the time to play around with this myself.

If you can’t message me here, feel free to grab an email address from my website:

@sgvj First of all, thanx for your code. :slight_smile:

I flashed my Asakuki with your ESPHome code and I have one question, not sure if I’m doing wrong or not. How can I change the color of the light? I have the rainbow and I can use that to go through the color cycles. Is there anyway to choose what color I would like the diffuser to use, like when using a color bulb to get the color palatte?

Yes, thanks largely to brand new Tuya support in ESPhome.

First you’ll need to stop rainbow mode which activates whenever the light switch is toggled.
Create a number sensor. 0=Rainbow(default) 1=Static Color(even if it’s black aka off) 2= some weird hard coded color I guess they thought was theraputic.

  - platform: "tuya"
    name: "Light Mode"
    number_datapoint: 110
    min_value: 0
    max_value: 2
    step: 1

Great, but now you want to control it like a light.
I tried to use the following code but it results in ugly light flashing and bootloops. Oddly this worked in an earlier version of ESPhome, before they implemented the Tuya number component.

light(warning do not use):
  - platform: tuya
    name: Diffuser LEDs
    dimmer_datapoint: 111
    switch_datapoint: 11
    min_value: 1
    rgb_datapoint: 108 #beware this makes it go mental

If anyone can pull the debug with a physical wired connection, the devs may fix it.