EspHome Sonoff BME280


I’ve previously used Tasmota and wanted to switch to ESPHome. Now I’ve replaced the firmware in several devices.
On one of my Sonoff Basics I’ve connected a BME280 Temperature/Humidity sensor. I tried the below configuration but it doesn’t recognize the sensor.

   sda: GPIO3
   scl: GPIO1
   scan: True
   - platform: bme280
       name: "BME280 Temperature"
       oversampling: 16x
       name: "BME280 Pressure"
       name: "BME280 Humidity"
     address: 0x77
     update_interval: 60s

Solved it. Adress had to be 0x76

I just had this same experience. I converted an ESP8266-based device from Tasmota to ESPHome and the BME280 sensor didn’t work until I overrode the default I2C address. Seems to be working great now, just need to add some filters to convert back to the renegade non-metric units that we crazy people use over on the part of the planet where I live.