Esphome sun component - time offset


I am using the sun elevation provided by sun component integrated in esphome. I need to get the time shifted sun elevation information, but in same time I need to use the real time for different operations.
Unfortunatelly currently it seems to be not possible to select which time entity is used inside sun calculation.

example: at 12:00 (real time) sun elevation is 45° at 16:00 (real time) sun elevation is 30°. By having a time shift of +4 hours I would like to get sun elevation 30° reading at 12:00 (real time)

one idea was to use modified copy of sun.h library, but I am not sure how to specify the time offset as a parameter

any ideas?


As often, rather than trying to do what you think is needed, maybe explain why you want to shift the time for a given elevation?

There might be better solutions to your actual problem than manipulating the sun…

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OK than
I am workign on fish tank temp controller that is changing a slightly temperature cooling and heating limits during the day. to calculate temp offset that is added to the basic cooling and heating target temps I use the current sun elevation
So far this is working withou any problem
Lighting on my fish tank are not really representing the the actual daylight - light is on also when there is already night outside (not all night but during some part of it)
what I want to achieve is:
be able to shift the sun elevation information so it can fit the tank lighting scheme

And how is the lighting scheme of the fish tank built up, or programmed?
Is it related to the sun elevation somehow? Keep in mind the sun elevation at a given time of day will vary from day to day…

Wouldn’t a light sensor be easier/more reliable, assuming you cannot just plainly reproduce the fish tank programming directly in esphome?

thats the point that it vary from day to day.
at the moment I am testing the time offset workaround by adding the angle offset to the current sun elevation angle, it should do the job

seems it can be done by adusting the longitude value
only need to find out if sun longitude parameter