Hi All,
Im facing a weird issue with my esp home integration. I have multiple sonoff wall switches flashed with ESPHome version 2022.3.1 and noticed that sometimes are randomly turning on. I went through home assistant debug log file but did not find something indicating the cause of this behavior. Also, not found any relation with any of my automations.
Did someone face a similar behavior? Is there something else I’m missing?
Perhaps this is related to what I experiences with my Shelly devices and ESPhome
I migrated to Tasmota / Original Firmware to see if it is a hardware issue, but no. I have not seen the behavior on any Tasmota or Stock Firmware device only on the ESPHome devices.
And in my case it only turned off. I think the relay just dropped for whatever reason, but for sure not a powerloss.
I have another device where ESPHome works, the relay is there off and only being “turned on” for a second to get the garage open, there the garage never “opened” randomly.
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