Esphome Tamplate around

What’s the best way to change the value or round off a sensor in esphome? Without having to go to the configuration.yaml file and create a template. I would like to do everything in esphome yaml.

I have this sensor on the esphome:

  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO34
    name: "Living Room Brightness"
    update_interval: 5s
    attenuation: 11db
      - multiply: 1.9
    id: original

How do I create a new sensor that adds +3.2 and rounds to 1 decimal place?

With a template Template Sensor — ESPHome

esphome’s template is a little different from home Assistant’s. using my example, could someone help me? Ths

  platform: template
  name: "Adjusted"
  lambda: return id(original).state + 3.2

Not sure about the rounding.

are you actually wanting the number rounded or are you more concerned with how many decimal places are show, or do you just want a number with no decimal places? Even if there are any minor differences in esphome and HA templates, if you can do them in HA there’s no reason you cant do them in esphome. Not to mention there is a wealth of information and examples in the official documentation. It’s not magic, you just gotta click on the “Search” box and GO.