Esphome two ld2410 in one esp32

Hello. I want have two ld2410b in the same esp32 . One I was able to put it working, but to make both working, I have no idea. If someone can help I really appreciate. Thanks in advance, Carlos

Uave you tried to create a second UART and using those pins on the send/receive for the LD2410?

There is also the option to only use the output pin from the LD2410 and no UART, but you will not be able to configure the LD2410

Sorry, I am new in this things. How do I do to create the secont uart . the second sensor is in pins 1 and 3.

thanks in advance


Take some time to understand the yaml that is deployed for the current sensor. You’ll need to duplicate everything for the other LD2410 and make sure names and ids are unique.

do you have this option installed?
are you using two uart sensors on one esp32?
can you please show your yaml?
because I need to know exactly what I need to modify to make it work. Ideally with the possibility to edit the parameters of both ld2410.
Thank you very much