ESPHome, uncorrect first byte in Modbus response

I encounter a problem with modbus response from my DDSU666.
I have a CRC check failed because first byte is 0x0. Modbus calculates CRC (5EDC) with the first byte (0) but the correct answer should not contain the first byte and without this 0, the correct CRC is 45F8.
Do you have any idea why it receives 0x0 in first byte ?

[16:02:18][V][modbus:199]: Modbus write: (8)
[16:02:18][V][modbus_controller:509]: Command sent 3 0xC 1
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 0 (0X0)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 1 (0X1)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 3 (0X3)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 2 (0X2)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 0 (0X0)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 3 (0X3)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 248 (0Xf8)
[16:02:18][V][modbus:042]: Modbus received Byte 69 (0X45)
[16:02:18][W][modbus:108]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 5EDC!=45F8

“Stop bits 2” maybe