ESPHome: Update all adopted devices at once with new functionality

I have Athom smart plug v2 that was originally flashed with Tasmota. I managed to flash it with esphome. To do that, I simply created a new device based on the ESP8266 in the HA, then used the official ESPHome YAML file for the plug and compiled + downloaded the binary to the PC. Update via Tasmota browser’s interface was very smooth (I had to use gzipped update tho). I did this for all devices I have.

When firmware was updated to esphome and new WiFi access point was assigned, HA immediately detected new esphome device and proposed to Adopt it. Process was very smooth - for every device - after the adoption, I had to rebuild the newly added device (added in the esphome addon) to get API access with its own key. Device finally popped-up in the HA Devices window, with correct entity exposure.

A single device in the esphome interface now looks like this:

And if I check the YAML file belonging to this device, it looks like this:

  name: athom-smart-plug-v2-d747e1
  friendly_name: Athom Smart Plug V2 d747e1
  Athom_Technology.Smart_Plug_V2: github://athom-tech/athom-configs/athom-smart-plug-v2.yaml
  name: ${name}
  name_add_mac_suffix: false
  friendly_name: ${friendly_name}
    key: here-goes-base64-encryption-key

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

This YAML is very different from the original one, at least it is much smaller. Since I have more than 10 devices running, and I plan to get at least dozen more:

  • Is there a way to modify main (original) YAML file and update all devices with this change in a systematic way? That means that all adopted devices from this original YAML would be updated
  • An example, I’d like to increase reporting frequency of sensors from 10s to 5s but would not want to update each device manually through its own http://ip:port browser interface.

What would be the best way to do that?

You might be able to use both the remote packages: and a local includes: (or packages) to merge both the common remote and local shared config. But I’m not sure and you’d need to look into it.

My first attempt example.

Second attempt using packages.

Alternatively, you can find the remote config from the package and copy it into a local common yaml, and manually change that local master when the remote one changes if required.

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