ESPHome watchdog for ESP8266

I’ve just started using ESPHome and ESP8266 devices and wow, this is certainly a great solution but yesterday saw an issue that I’m trying to debug.

For no apparent reason some of the ESP sensors I’d deployed stopped sending data to HASS. The chart below shows an example.


I presume that some kind of network issue caused this but unfortunately did not think to try pinging the devices. I did note, though, that ESPHomeAPI showed them as offline and a power cycle on the ESPs got them working again.

So, my questions are:

  1. is this a known issue or something unique to my network?
  2. is it possible to implement a watchdog timer on the ESP8266 devices so that they will attempt to reset themselves after X minutes of disconnection?

Modules are powered through stable power off a UPS and there were no mains power issues so I do not think power is the issue.

Thanks in advance, any ideas or help gratefully received!


I haven’t had that issue…yet. But you could try.


Though it does say it defaults at 5 mins.

Thanks, Paul, I’ll have a look at that!

@RGN01 did you find if this feature exists? I’m having problems with a Sonoff T1 (wall switch) that my kid keeps pressing until it stops responding. This is not just a wi-fi problem as the physical button on it stops working as well as the node becoming unavailable on wi-fi and HA.