ESPHOME webrelay GET Async Webserver output?out=0

i want to control my ESPHOME ESP32 with a tcp command.
( other words are : tcp command , a browser command , Rest command , url command , Get command )

in the days before ESPHOME i used the arduino ,
and had a code similar to :

server.on("/output", HTTP_GET, [] (AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
  String inputMessage = request->getParam("out")->value();
  int outputState = inputMessage.toInt();
  digitalWrite(outputPin, outputState);
  request->send(200, "text/plain", "OK");

so i could use :

To turn the output on, enter the following URL in the browser: http:///output?out=1.
To turn the output off, enter the following URL in the browser: http:///output?out=0.

If i read API for ESPHome
and API for Homeassitant

only POST message are allowed to change states in anything.

my aproach is to use a ESP32(Esphome ) as walkaround to send url-commands
such as : http://<ESP32-IP-Address>/output?out=0

my question : how can i combine the ESP32 arduino with ESPhome , so i can send get-request to the ESP32 ?

Do you actually have a question, or are you complaining that ESPHome uses POST to update stuff, in REST fashion?

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my question is updated in the startpost :slight_smile:

You can create “generic” components in ESPHome, which are basically copy/pastes of your arduino code: