ESPHome with/without WiFi


I am planning to have an RV setup with home assistant. Basic functions should run without the rPi running. I have planned to use ESPHome and a NodeMCU for those basic functions. Turning on the water pump and some lights. I have small switches and some relais connected to the ESP. Works like a charm. When the rPi is on he connects via MQTT to home assistant.

Now I want the ESPHome to run even without Wifi being present. I would like to be able to save as much power (Turn the router off) and still being able to turn the light on/off.

When connected to Wifi everything works like a charm. When I turn the router off I see the ESP trying to connect to wifi constantly. And the application on the ESP seems not to work any longer.

[20:25:55][W][wifi:374]: No matching network found!
[20:26:00][D][wifi:304]: Starting scan...
[20:26:02][D][wifi:319]: Found networks:
[20:26:02][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos_internal'[redacted] (04:62:73:36:A4:78) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:02][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos'[redacted] (04:62:73:36:A4:79) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:02][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos_guest'[redacted] (04:62:73:36:A4:7A) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:02][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos_iot'[redacted] (04:62:73:36:A4:7B) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:02][D][wifi:369]: - 'Robonect Hx+'[redacted] (DE:4F:22:D1:93:71) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][D][wifi:369]: - 'keinkabel_speed'[redacted] (34:31:C4:10:9D:32) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos'[redacted] (D8:67:D9:C3:0F:11) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos_iot'[redacted] (D8:67:D9:C3:0F:13) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos_internal'[redacted] (D8:67:D9:C3:0F:10) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][D][wifi:369]: - 'kabellos_guest'[redacted] (D8:67:D9:C3:0F:12) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][D][wifi:369]: - 'EasyBox-065722'[redacted] (E0:51:63:06:57:80) [redacted]β–‚β–„β–†β–ˆ
[20:26:03][W][wifi:374]: No matching network found!

This is the Wifi section I have.

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid_emil
  password: !secret wifi_password_emil
  fast_connect: false
    ssid: !secret wifi_fallback_ssid
    password: !secret wifi_fallback_password
  reboot_timeout: 0s

When I turn Wifi completely off in the ESP.yaml the application works smooth again.

I resetting the Wifi causing the trouble? Can I prevent this from happening?

Can someone point me into the right direction?


  • reboot_timeout ( Optional , time): The amount of time to wait before rebooting when no WiFi connection exists. Can be disabled by setting this to 0s , but note that the low level IP stack currently seems to have issues with WiFi where a full reboot is required to get the interface back working. Defaults to 15min .

Hi Tom,

thanks fro chiming in. I set it to 0s to turn it off. At least I thought thats what it does. I read from the docs that reconnecting to the network once its back again required a reboot. I can live with that. However the behavior is different. The real applications seems no longer to work correctly.

I gave it a sencond try and set reboot_timeout to 1440min. Same effect.

Dont know where to go next … .


you are going in the right direction, I had a similar requirement on working without HASS being up, solution:

  reboot_timeout: 240h

Background of this is the usage of reboot_timeout defaults in
wifi, wifi-ap, api, mqtt, ota components

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