ESPhome WS2815: strange colors

I am picking my brain on what’s going wrong here. My setup is simple: an ESP32 with an WS2815 (300 LEDs in total). I am running the ESP on a buck converter which receives it’s power from the beefy switching 12V DC power supply. Whatever I do: colors keep on being wrong. I triple checked that all grounds are connected. I installed (and removed) a logic level shifter. I exchanged the ESP32 for an ESP8266. I exchanged the ledstrip and as far as I know I changed all settings. Whatever I do: the colors keep on acting up. Sometimes, when I set the entire strip to blue, only the even LEDs turn blue. Other times odd LEDs are colored right, but the even aren’t. What is even weirder is that occasionally the beginning of the strip is the right color, but about halfway the color is different. In addition I experience quite a lot of flickering.

What am I doing wrong?

Found the issue myself… As I replaced all components except the buck converter it lead me to the conclusion that that must have been the issue and indeed: when powering the ESP via an USB battery everything works fine. Going to look for a new buck converter now :slight_smile: