I had successfully set up four ESP32 devices reporting, whether some cell phones or watches are in reach or not. After the update to the newest version of HA, all devices are ‘not available’.
What changed? I read that there will be something in the future, but I did not expect it to break my system.
All four ESPresense devices are shown as ‘offline’ in the mqtt explorer, but when I take a look at the log of such a device directly connected to my PC, all other three are there and responding.
Can somebody tell me what might have happend, so I could fix it. Currently I’m confused …
Issue solved, but reason yet unknown.
After the update, it seems that something else has been updated automatically. The web page, the ESP32 devices are presenting, did get new options:
All four options were not marked by default, as the hint in brackets might indicate.
If no topics are send, I guess nothing is ending up in the mqtt server.
So, after checking those boxes, everything is back to normal.
Still I would like to know, why this update happend, although updates should not be done automatically:
So, I’m still confused.
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Thanks buddy, I ran into the exact same issue today with 2023.11.1 and the ESPresense version 3.3.0 which by default disables the Send to rooms topic:
I will also disable the automatic update…
i too had that issue.
and since it seems they are deprecating the “rooms” topic, I decided to try and understand the way to continue using this in the future.
what i ended up doing was:
- enroll with a device name (which will also create an ID)
- use the ID created in the configuration.yaml as shown in this example i found:
espresense.yaml · GitHub
so basically, change the “state_topic” :
from state_topic: "espresense/rooms"
to tate_topic: "espresense/devices/nathans_iphone"
this also removes the irk or other sensitive data from the config/secrets file.
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