Espresence: ip address to access web interface?


I am trying to install Espresence on esp32, I can install via web tools but I am not offered to configure wifi or visit the device.
After installation process I see it broadcasting a SSID which I can connect to, but I can’t find anywhere which is the IP address is should visit to access the web interface.

Anyone can help?

Your router will assign one by dhcp and and you have to find out which is, maybe accessing your router or using an utility like:

How to Scan for IP Address on a Network? –

It should offer you an option to enter your wifi credentials, like here:

The ip address is shown at the logs, like here:


Issue is it does not offer option to enter wifi credential.

Also if I try to see log via web terminal I get nothing: starting to suspect my esp32 boards have some issue

Have you tried:

You said there was a broadcasting SSID on your wifi. Connect to that wifi and then to that ip.