Espresence jitter

I was looking at my Logbook and noticed behavior like this:

This is all the same beacon, flipping between base stations. I thought it might be because the distances were quite close, but looking at the MQTT messages, it’s clear that the front_door distance is always much greater than the desk_master_bedroom distance:

— image in reply since I can’t post more than one image in my post —

Also, if I look at the graph, it really does look like a less than one second jitter. You can see that the state change is almost imperceptible, but there are tiny lines that are less than one second long:

— image in reply since I can’t post more than one image in my post —

Weird thing is it doesn’t happen all the time; if I look at the overnight log, where the device is staying stationary for multiple hours, I’ll see long periods of time where there is no jitter, interspersed with the jitter I’m showing above.

Anyone have clues as to what’s happening here or what additional steps I can take to debug further?

MQTT screenshot:

History graph:

Bump. Would love some insights from the community on how I might debug this further. TIA!