ESPresence Tile Mate


I have setup a ESPresence instance on a wroom32 and bought 2 TIle Mates. But they are shown on the fingerprint site only occasionally. Do I need to set them up in some way? Are there any hints on how to debug the problem and get them to work?


Hi Mate, I have 2 of those Tile Mates and they work very good for me in ESPresense, do you configured them as sensors for ESPresense?

I creaded the sensors as follow:

  # Configurazione sensore per ESPresense
  - platform: mqtt_room
    unique_id: "Tile Chiavi"
    name: "Tile Chiavi"
    device_id: "tile:c30d0d272590"
    state_topic: "espresense/rooms"
    timeout: 10
    away_timeout: 60

The key thing is to set the right device_id. I think the best way to find all ids is to use MQTT Explorer

Hope this help you.

Also, do you have the MQTT broker setup, running and working?