Is it possible you are getting some terminology mixed up here?
ZHA is a zigbee protocol.
Z2mqtt is another zigbee protocol
MQTT is a machine to machine protocol and needs a broker running on HA. This is referenced in the document.
I don’t use MQTT brokers for anything so I’m no expert, but I believe this is the reference that is different. ESP uses Bluetooth and wifi to talk, the MQTT would broker the communication between devices.
Can you cite this reference? I run both ZHA and MQTT and they seem to have no intrinsic relationship that would prevent them from being used in the same system.
Hello everyone, thank you very much for your quick replies. Yes you were right, I mixed a few things up. What I read referred to ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT. I didn’t realize that an MQTT server and Zigbee2MQTT are not the same thing.
So that means I can install an MQTT server (Mosquitto broker) and use this both technologies with a single coordinator (conbee 2 stick)?
I have another question about the ESP32 microcontroller. I have seen that there are ESP32 microcontrollers from various manufacturers. In the projects they often refer to Amazon.
Here in Switzerland I can buy the follow controllers: