I think you alle may know or not know the esprfid mqtt https://github.com/esprfid/esp-rfid software. Nice piece of work
First of all, I got it running, kind of.
The payload it sends over the mqtt is quite a lot like the following:
**qos** : 0, **retain** : false, **cmd** : publish, **dup** : false, **topic** : esprfid, **messageId** : , **length** : 115, **Raw payload** : 123341161211121013458349799991011151153444341161051091013458495354555548524949534434105115751101111191103458341161141171013444349799991011151153458346510010910511034443411711510111411097109101345834116104111109971153444341171051003458345457519910098515734125
So I created a mqtt sensor like this:
- platform: mqtt
name: "rfid_reading"
state_topic: "esprfid"
value_template: "{{ value_json.uid }}"
This gives me the uid of the card I scan.
Than i do an automation:
- alias: RFID desktoplight
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.rfid_lesen
to: "693cdb39"
- service: light.toggle
entity_id: light.buro
As you can see I want to google the light, but as the value of the sensor already changes to 693cdb39, I have to scan first another rfid card and then the card with the uid to toogle the light.
Now I am thinking of making an automation to change the every 10 second oder after any change, if this is possible.
But I have the feeling that there is a better way and I am just not seeing it, does anyone have another idea how to do this better ?