ESP's Rebooting Randomly

Hi all

Since updating to 2024.8, I have several ESP32’s that seem to be randomly rebooting. These run different code, are from different vendors, use different power supplies etc. So at a cursory glance, it seems to be related to the most recent update

Is anyone seeing similar behaviour ?

I have this installed on an LED strip controller and have noticed this morning that it is rebooting itself randomly, done it 3 times this morning. No time to investigate why this morning though.

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Logs anyone?

HA log screenshot. I’ll try pull an ESP log when the next device reboots. This type of behaviour is displaying on other ESP’s too with no similar devices attached.

Updated to 2024.8.3. Only 2 of the ESP’s are randomly rebooting now. The only thing they have in common is that each has a single Dallas temperature probe

Esphome config?
Which esp board?
Anything other than dallas temp sensor?

Just stating that something isnt working properly or randomly restarting isnt useful information at all, what do you suspect someone can do with “wifi randomly rebooting” ?

You need to provide actual details specific to your project and each project unless they are 100% identical.

If you look at the documentation, it tells you how to set up a reboot reason sensor. Set that up and see what reason it gives you.

Well since my comment I updated the version and have not seen the issue since so can’t really post logs to a problem that only existed for a day or so. I also run the beta version and just put things like that down to running the beta, and wait a few days before looking into things.

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