ESXi Hassio BLE bluetooth

So I wanted to light the hass christmas tree further…

Starting to add my NUC8i5 bluetooth stack via usb passthrought to the hassos vm. Adding the following to my configuration.yaml and trying to get some response… but how do I “pair” a bluetooth device from within the hassos interface?

This is the integration:

This is my config below sensor:

My bluetooth usb in esxi:

what next? :slight_smile:

my solution with ESXi was over a ESPHome controller and it’s work fin :slight_smile:

ESXi <–WLAN–> ESPHome (node) <–BLE-> Xiaomi Sensor

Thanks for your reply. If you have a complete how-to I would like to see.

Further for others, please I would like an answer for “my” question :slight_smile:

do you see the BLE under Hardware? -->


/dev/ttyUSB0 is confirmed to work with another USB passthrough USB dongle (power peter).