I have my oven meat temperature sensor in home assistant by homeconnect, and i see a sensor ( sensor.oven_program_progress ) which shows me an presentage (The oven gives a precentage based on what i selected from start temp and wantend meat temprature).
I would like have an ETA. Is it possible to create a time indication?
I have a solution but it requires the current temp and the target temp.
I created a derivative sensor off of the temperature sensor itself with a 15 minute time window (you can tweak that for your situation) and call it something like sensor.temp_rate
. That gives me the average rate of change of the temperature reading.
I then create a template sensor to show the ETA (I know cooking temperature isn’t linear but it is something to go off of). This is the code:
{{((states('sensor.temp_target') | float - states('sensor.current_temp') | float) / (states('sensor.temp_rate') | float)) | round(0)}}
If all you have is percentage, you can still use this. Just change the derivative sensor to point at the percentage sensor and follow the same format.
Hope this helps!