Ethernet based sensors and actuators

Are there any ethernet (cat6) actuators (regular switch, switch panel, relay, dimmer, shutter/curtain) and sensor (light, sounds, pir motion, microwave motion, temp, or in/out, rf in/out) devices for a new build.

I like Shelly 4pro but it’s wifi, similarly smartden does not seem to have physical switch linkage). On sensor haven’t found any cat6 based. Haven’t seem many dimmer options either.

While for sensor I could try self made esp32 poe sensors, but then I struggle to see how to make them good looking like fibaro/aeon all in one sensors.

Since it’s a new build, I would like to pull wires. Knx is very expensive all inclusive. Sbus like technologies seem unpopular.

Ideally if there was a 8-16 channel relay/ dimmer din mountable modules with physical switch control (including support for short vs long press for dimmers/ curatins) and with mqtt supported for hassio over cat6 (ethernet) it would be awesome.

For Dimmers and switches you could use DALI (Dali2 even supports some Sensors like motion). It is easily installable as it is not considered SELV - so it can be run next to mains.
I’ve personally decided for knx and would do again - it’s stable and there are a lot of nice looking switches and sensors available - also second hand actuators. You can even use ESP32 as knx/ip devices if you like (have not tried yet).

Both systems are way simpler than LAN and bitrate will not be an issue for sensors / switches.

Thanks for the quick revert. I likknx but it costs 7 times (atleast in my country) over say something like Shelly. So it’s not exactly in my budget. But curious if are you happy with knx + hassio combo?

Is dal also similar in cost to knx? Did you procure knx equipment locally or from china?

Shelly Pro 4-Plus will have ethernet when it comes out

There are tons of options for PIR hardwire, you can have it be an input to a detection device, or part of a security system with an ethernet connection

ControlByWeb makes a lot of interesting products with analog/digital/1-wire inputs and relay expansion, all DIN rail and ethernet controlled using modbus.

For light control dimmers I would go with Lutron which has a hardwired ethernet bridge to 433mhz wireless.


Have fun!

I bought the things it from Germany. Also bought ETS with a 30% coupon.
It’s not that much of the total cost of a new built house when done right from start.

Im quite happy with things currently, but doing most things purely in knx and using HA just as bridge to HomeKit and for Push notifications.

Thank you. Shelly pro 4 plus sounds awesome and will check out other links given by you as well!

Thanks for the feedback, but still curious does the knx connectivity to hassio work well? Say if motion sensor or other schedules are on non knx then will it work. And can we use knx switch input for hassio scenes as well?

It works very well for me.
Everything you listed is possible in one or another way.
It is recommend to have access to ETS and the knxproj file to be able to make adaptions in knx for some special cases.

@hazad please, I am in the same situation as you were. May I ask how did you solve it?
I am browsing the internet for many days and it is very hard to pick. I would like to have it wired, but there are so many options and KNX and LOXONE are quite expensive. Shelly looks quite good.