EU Smart Plug Zwave/Zigbee with power Monitoring


This seems to be asked regularly, but it seems that the older suggestions are no longer for sale.

Could you recommend a EU smart plug which is:

  • Able to accept the Type E ground pin (it seems most are Schuko only on the device side)
  • Energy consumption monitoring
  • At least 13 A. 16A would be better, but I really don’t think there are any.

Connectivity in order of preference

  • ZWave
  • Zigbee compatible with deConz
  • Zigbee compatible with zigbee2mqtt
  • WIFI that can be flashed with ESPHome/Tasmota or similar

I am actually more interested in the energy consumption than controlling the on/off state. So if there is some alternative, that would be great. It’s for the oven, which is the only device on the circuit out of the fusebox. But the only thing I’ve found is a QUBINO Smart Meter, which seems to cost even more than a Shelly 3em, so I’d rather get a second one of those.


was already posted but not yet backed up to internet archive waybackmachine before it vanished :man_shrugging:

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Thanks! Not sure it can accept the Type E groung pin. I will ask!

Totally missed that. Because the Plug (from the picture) supports it I also assumed it the socket of the device has it - but that for sure doesn’t need to be the case!

But the other solution (deleted post) has some advantages if you don’t need to switch the load anyways