Eufy Camera Integration

What do you mean stop camera? There are 4 well defined services turn on / turn off / start livestream / stop livestream. RTSP specific ones will be released soon, but stopping camera is not clear.

Instead of using picture entity, use camera directly like this

type: picture-entity
entity: camera.entrance

Then, it will show its state as idle, motion detected, person detected etc.

Regarding to moiton and person detection, there should be additional binary sensors which you can use to create automations.

@fuatakgun Wanted to give your add-on/integration a try, but do I see this correctly, that you used the same integration name as the old one, I have up and running?

This one is listed as eufy_securtiy as well and it seems that is is now overwritten or whatever (have to dig deeper). In HACS, yours is installed, but in Integration, HA says, that only one is allowed at one time. But I have only setup the old one and disabled it, …

I agree, this is due to using the same internal name eufy_security.

You should delete custom_components/eufy_security folder first, that was not intentional.

I don’t want to delete the old one and only wanted to test. So it is now really destroyed. More than a bad idea having this still this way and - if known before - still not changed to a unique new name.

come on, do you think I did this on purpose? do you think, I am dreaming about destroying other people’s home assistant environments. I am sorry that happened to you but you are taking all responsibility here as testing locally, there is guarantee that it will work.

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No, but if you were aware of this, why not changing to eufy_security_new or whatever already.

Why and how do you think I am aware of this? I just saw your comment, checked the previous integration naming and understood the issue.

O.k. Then sorry for this. Thought this fast

I agree, this is due to using the same internal name eufy_security .

was an info, that it was known.

I will update installation steps with this as warning, thanks for letting me know

So you will stay on the old existing name? And I can only delete my up and running integration for being able to test your one instead of only deactivating it? O.k. then I will skip this test for now.

If i rename into something else now, it will impact more than 20 people (that is what I know, there can be more), I should have planned better but I do not want to mess it now for everyone.

Please use new post if your question is about new add on and integration : Eufy Security Integration

I don’t want to bloat here, we can use this one to track @bachya 's implementation.

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Yes i meant, i have to use the service “camera.turn_off” then i can retry to view the live picture and then it works, after it, i always have to turn the camera off…
But i see you released a new version in hacs
Will see if that fixes it

You mean, instead of using picture-glance, use picture-entity?
Will try that yes

Any idea why the camera for the doorbell isnt working like that?

Willing to share your automations you created?

I have no specific automation yet :slight_smile: just trying to improve the integration.
camera doorbell might also work, but p2p streaming is very slow, at least 10 seconds delay. maybe, you need to click on camera image and wait enough.

regarding to turn_off, I do not have a solution in place.

thx for the info

Would love to see a ‘simple’ intergration

You mean, no add on? I don’t see any point of investing time to duplicate existing functionality from node to python, but if you have concrete ideas, i am happy to listen.

I’m new here and I still gotta get used to the terminology :sweat_smile:
I was hoping that the camera functionality would be added to the existing Eufy integration.
To make is as easy as possible to add new devices.