Eufy Robovac 35c Working with Home_Assistant - Updated 11/2020 - How To Guide - Now with Edge Cleaning!

Yooo. I got this working with the Eufy L35 Hybrid+. It has Basic start and stop functionality. Very cool! Easy config!

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You havent configured the IP address of the eufy in HA.
Go to the integration in HA and it gives you the option to type the IP address.

I had been doing this, but I don’t think I was getting the “success” screen previously and was just assuming it had worked as there was no error displayed. The IP is listed in my core.config_entries now, I’m not sure if it was previously as I didn’t know where to check.

If you select developer tools on the menu then goto states and you will find an entry for the vacuum that will look like this… Does it have the IP address?

Are you able to control the vacuum, start, stop etc?

That’s the static IP address assigned by my router, is that what it should be? Should the entity default to vacuum.robovac like that too?

Looks like it is working as its got the battery level. The vacuum.robovac is taken from what you had it called in the eufy app. I had renamed mine to robovac15c as I have 3 different ones and helps me know which is which. If you have renamed it in the app to be called “bob” it would appear as vacuum.bob.

Is it working now?

Ah okay, entity name makes sense.

Commands still aren’t working unfortunately, log viewer now says:

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/vacuum/", line 350, in turn_on
    raise NotImplementedError()

Are you using the latest HA? If not please upgrade.

Home Assistant 2022.10.5
Supervisor 2022.10.1
Operating System 9.3
Frontend 20221010.0 - latest

edit: scripts are working now, don’t think i’d fixed the entity names since resetting everything

Is everything working?

For the most part yes thank you, I get errors when turning on/off but the scripts work! Much appreciated

Which Interface Card are you using? If its not the standard one then On/Off arent implemented in the interface in the standard way and you will see errors.

I can confirm that this is working with my new X8 Hybrid. I say ‘working’, the integration has installed and I’m seeing all the state attributes in Dev Tools > States.

I’ll look forward to getting some automations set up later and see how they go.

@bmccluskey Just a thought, how many entities should there be? I only have one entity showing vacuum.bob_the_bot

Edit: This is my Developer Tools > States:

and this is my integration card:

Screenshot 2022-10-30 at 10.05.49

I’ve download this GitHub - pbulteel/eufy_vacuum: This is a fork of the eufy_vacuum code so that it works with HACS. I plan to make this a bit more user friendly and hopefully work properly with any other Eufy vacuum. via HACS, got the local key and input this into configuration YAML and restarted HA

  - name: Robovac
    access_token: xxxxxxxxxxx
    id: zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    type: T2118

I see no new integration or device, but I manage to find a vacuum.robovac_2 entity. When I click any start/stop/go home buttons on this entity, it’s displaying me an error in HA but it is actually managing to send those to the robot, as it starts and goes to its home station etc.

so not sure what’s going on

That looks correct.

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Try this version. It should be a lot more straightforward

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Planning an upgrade from my old 15C (working fine, thank you!) - would the integration work for the LR30 or G40+ models or should I stick with an x8 hybrid?

I have it working with an X8 - basic functionalyity Start/stop/home etc. I think ive see others say they have it working with the LR30. The G40 should be ok too. Im working at adding some other functionality to the x8 about room cleaning and areas. Others are looking at the mapping functionality.

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I’m 99% up and running with a G30, however I get an error with vacuum.turn_on and .turn off with the default card and the card from Denys just spins and never starts (but I don’t get any error). I assume its because its looking for a start/pause function, not turn_on/turn_off, as it works when you drill down into the vacuum’s dialog popup box and press the start/pause button. I poked around seeing if I could find where I could modify this, but no luck. Any thoughts?