Eufy Security Integration

Just a clarification, captcha code is received from home assistant devices/integrations page.

Two factor authentication is received through email.

Oké thats clear, only i see nowhere the captcha,
or should it be included in the logbook

Can we the code see in the add-on logboek?

Is there any way to make the “event image” to update. I still haven´t been able to update those images, they are still showing the first images the camera observed since I set them up.

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Thank you its al work now

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I know a lot of people have been trying to plug in tools like Frigate with their Eufy wifi & battery-powered cameras via RTSP. I created a new thread (or message, whatever the appropriate name is on this platform) if people are interested. I’m looking for feedback and if anyone can help package this into a proper add-on down the line.


I’ve actually come up with an alternative solution that works for me with absolute reliability. The trick is to set up Tasker with a plug-in called AutoNotification, to install the Eufy app on the tablet, and to then have tasker automatically “click” on the doorbell notification when it is received to open the Eufy app (which automatically opens the right camera with the feed already “on”). I created a separate thread/post about it here:

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I’m having the same problem. It used to work well, then it stopped. Now I only see the image it gets when the plugin is restarted.

Anyone used the custom button card to tap and to show the live stream of an eufy camera? (with the ability to stop it)

Not sure if this helps, but I wanted to see the live feed on my TV and I ended up writing 2 scripts:

  1. A script that activates the stream and then calls the live feed card (in my case a picture elements)
  2. Another script that stops the stream and goes back to my overview card (another picture elements)

The live feed card yaml looks like this:

You can share the exact code using triple quotes and interested parties can use it easily.

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anyone figured this out?

Is it automatically save the motion event videos from my doorbell camera in Home Assistant? In the Eufy app all of my motion events have a short video I can play, but it seems this integration only takes a snapshot, and doesn’t save the whole video anywhere? Is there any way around this, or is it just a feature that’s not yet implemented?

No, not as of now as these videos are encrypted and as far as I know, we do not have a solution to decrypt and download them after latest eufy relate issues.

you can ask support from bropat first and I can implement it on the integration and do not forget to buy him a coffee.

Some news, good and bad;

  • I have been working with @alexxit for last couple of days to get rid of TCP and FFMPEG based streaming from eufy_security (this) integration and fully hand over the logic into go2rtc (also known as webrtc as a custom integration). Finally, he completed his magical part and I will be refactoring my own part accordingly. (GOOD NEWS)
  • this means that you must expect some issues for p2p based streaming so keep your horses down :slight_smile: (BAD NEWS)
  • I am actually very excited with this because p2p streaming was very fragile since the beginning and I believe this is the way forward to make it much more reliable.
  • I will also get rid of other FFMPEG processes to generate thumbnails from and fully rely on go2rtc generated images.
  • We will also become independent of RTSP Add-on because all the heavy lifting will be done on go2rtc end now.
  • I will not release any version and just post all changes into MASTER branch. Interested parties, please get the changes from there to give it a test. I will collect feedback or bugs through this period and hopefully release a new version in a week. (I am also waiting on go2rtc/webrtc releases too.
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Fantastic, look forward to testing it!. Is this also the way home bridge deals with the streams?

As for the main branch, any other dependencies/settings etc we need to take into account? Eg. The latest version op webrtc?

@RT1080 ,I will update README file accordingly, but in essence;

  • disable current webrtc integration
  • install master version of go2rtc add-on
  • install master version of eufy_security integration

To track the discussion, please take a look over here: Add support incoming H264 bitstream · Issue #745 · AlexxIT/go2rtc · GitHub

who knows, we can even support audio through p2p now :slight_smile:


In the official Eufy app when a camera goes offline for any reason it will show in the app but there is no way of knowing unless opening the app. Is it possible to detect when a camera has gone offline via the integration? I’m hoping to use it to send a notification.


please create a github request to create a sensor about connectivity, I am receiving these events but not processing them at all.

Wonder if someone can advise - I have just purchased a Homebase 1 simply because I have one camera at the back of my house which could not fully reach the home base.
The camera connects and I see the homebase in my Eufy Security app

However, the second homebase does not seem to have any of the arm features available

I’m unclear if this is a bug or expected behavior - I’ve tried scanning the docs so sorry if I missed something

If it is expected, is there any way I can unify the arm events? My expectation was that I’d just link in HA (NodeRed), but given it is missing the guard mode, it seems I cannot do this.

Check diagnostic sensors if there is anything useful