Eufy Security Integration

Willing to collaborate, just not keen on sharing device.
Dont take that personal, but you know, nowadays you keep hearing stuff…

So if u want to ignore me because of that, no problem go ahead.

It doesnt mean i dont respect what you do… (and all the others).

I installed version 3.5 of webrtc , first i thought this included go2rtc
But if i read now right, you still have to install go2rtc?
Maybe thatswhy why have the scheme thing… @Revo0

Not sure where i can check inside webrtc the version of go2rtc

You can check the go2rtc version in the file “” in your webrtc installation, usually located in \config\custom_components\webrtc.

I have weird behavior since the last update too.

I used the conditional card with success in the past, but now it behaves weirdly:

If I try to start the stream as usual, I get an error stating “mse:streams:wrong response on desribe”. If I click on “error” in the top right, the stream reloads and starts as expected and behavior is normal.


This is my card:

- type: conditional
                      - entity: camera.garage
                        state: idle
                      show_state: false
                      name: Garage
                      show_name: true
                      aspect_ratio: '16:12'
                      type: picture-entity
                      entity: image.garage_event_image
                        action: call-service
                        service: camera.turn_on
                        data: {}
                          entity_id: camera.garage
                  - type: conditional
                      - entity: camera.garage
                        state: streaming
                      type: vertical-stack
                        - type: custom:webrtc-camera
                          entity: camera.garage
                        - show_name: true
                          show_icon: false
                          type: button
                            action: call-service
                            service: camera.turn_off
                            data: {}
                              entity_id: camera.garage
                          entity: camera.garage
                          name: Stream beenden`

If I try to use the webrtc custom card you described in the readme, the stream doesnt work at all, I get the “cant get URL for camera.XXXX” error others are getting.

I wonder if I’m doing something wrong, but since the cameras are indeed working, it might be just a small error, does someone have an idea why it behaves like that? Did something change with the way the stream is started?

I will share my set up in a next post but in the mean time a few observations:

1- Since today I also notice the scheme issues, this coincides with 2 events: 1/ a disconnect of the integration from the add on (not sure which of the two causes this 2 / a login fail in HA, linked to the API of WEBRTC

2- Multiple streams seem to exacerbate this effect

@anon63427907 - there are a number of interlinked issues at play, what is the best way to approach? You want me to share logs of the add on and web rtc with you or put them in respective repo’s of AlexIT and Bropat? Again, not sure what triggers this, either the add on impacts the integration or vice versa (behaviour of WebRTC resulting in login issues and eventually IP ban I am certain is a response to either of the 2 aforementioned)

As promised my current setup:

  • HA-OS, latest version, HA-core 2023.12.3
  • Eufy integration v8.0.0
  • Add-on: v1.7.1
  • WebRTC: Fuatakgun main through HACS

In respect of WebRTC please follow the following steps:
1 - Remove previous WebRTC integration
2 - Check potential conflicting versions operating on port 1984; I disabled the Frigate integration for the time being and shutdown the Frigate add-on [once stable I will attempt to reconfigure and let the webrtc integration link to frigate… but first things first]
3 - Add the following repo to HACS: GitHub - fuatakgun/WebRTC: Home Assistant custom component for real-time viewing of almost any camera stream using WebRTC and other technologies.
4 - Install WebRTC from this repo
5 - Restart HA
6 - Check if WebRTC is working by following http://your-homeassistant-ip:1984/


7 - setup new WebRTC card:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
entity: camera.[your entity]
poster: image.[your entity]_event_image
ui: true
  - name: Play
    icon: mdi:play
    service: camera.turn_on
      entity_id: camera.[your entity]
  - name: Stop
    icon: mdi:stop
    service: camera.turn_off
      entity_id: camera.[your entity]

This assumes of course that your Eufy Integration is correctly setup and communicates with the Eufy-Addon; log of the add-on should show something along these lines

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
2023-12-28 13:10:36.286  INFO  Eufy Security server listening on host, port 3000 
2023-12-28 13:10:40.442  INFO  Connected to station T8010P[redacted] on host and port 28613 
2023-12-28 13:10:40.887  INFO  Connected to station T8442P[redacted] on host and port 25349 
2023-12-28 13:10:42.707  INFO  Push notification connection successfully established

You should now be able to change quality settings of your P2P device to high and enjoy a working camera stream (in my case there is a mere 2 second delay compared to the real clock, and response is near instant].

@anon63427907 - I moved my three other cameras from RTSP streaming to P2P simply because I like the speed of the P2P streaming in the new integration. I do recall there is a limitation on consecutive streams in bropat’s add-on; is that still the case to your knowledge? And if so I assume this is limited to P2P only and might explain my new found issues (see prev. post)


Check, i am indeed still running version 1.8.1. Deleted WebRTC and did a fresh install, however still version 1.8.1 is installed by the integration.

Installed Go2rtc add-on and now have version 1.8.4. Lets test.

Same here, clicking error it just plays


I did your steps until step 7 and tested.
Finally its working again, we will see how this continues.
Big thumbs up for all of you including fuatakgun

Its kinda fast
Didnt change quality settings yet but will do now :slight_smile:
Also gonna try to change rtsp to p2p for the cameras too :slight_smile: Oh my god, this roicks

Starting video doorbell takes around 4 seconds, quite fast, delay is merely 2 seconds

So big step forward !

Will try to change dashboard too now

Great! Be careful with the regular cams on p2p - this made my system tumble and eventually I locked myself out (have ip ban activated).

I think there is a limitation on the addon making it impossible to stream more than one device simultaneously. That causes the add on to trip which renders the webrtc stream unavailable triggering all sorts of errors.

Keeping them on rtsp and feeding directly in webrtc is probably better for the time being.

Will do some further testing myself.

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Ok thx for warning, will keep it that way then.
I tried your card, but it doenst look good.
Will keep using the old way with conditional card.

Also with the cams, i have no battery entity anymore. Any idea about that?
I always had it in the past, but now not anymore

They are disabled, also the the streaming sensor which you probably use for the conditional card. If you enable them one by one they will reappear after a minute or so.

I cant enable, they are just not available

Press the wheel.

ohmy god im so sorry
Overlooked the button inside the wheele

How does your button looklike in the ui?
Cause when i use your setup, the ui buttons play and stop are on top and in the bottom you have the “save” movie and stuff

You can change the location of the buttons and adjust style. Check the webrtc repo. I by the way just used what @anon63427907 has included on his repo/readne.


We are still limited with one p2p streaming at a time

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Any updates

Trying to get the Eufy doorbell operational, I run into an issue while configuring the “Eufy Security” integration. When I click “Configure” I get the error message “Config-flow kon niet geladen worden: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble”

Any idea how I can solve this problem? (Google couldn’t help me, I don’t have a “smarthings” file)


See ca 40 posts ago and issue logged on GitHub. This is a known issue.