Eufy Security Integration

Hi @anon63427907

Since the config flow doesn’t work with the 8.0 version, is there a way to set the set the ‘overide names’ of the custom alarm names via a config file or so?


OK, I was able to reinstall everything following this and I have working video now! But, a couple issues. First is both previews have an error in the upper left (blocking the play and stop buttons) “Can’t get URL for”. Second is that the poster image is odd. For my garage floodlight camera, it’s an event image from a couple days ago, which I guess is somewhat valid as it’s the last “event”. For my doorbell camera though, it’s an image from a year ago! Same image I was getting on the default dashboard before. I’ve obviously had lots of events since then.

Not sure if it matters, but when I go to the WebRTC dashboard on :1984, I can now see the cameras, but none of the streams will play. Odd since they play within HA.

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To remove the error message (still there but no longer visible) you can use:

  - '.header {display: none}'

The other issue… that is exactly my issue aswell, see earlier post:

I also can’t get it to update other than through a restart of the addon. No clue what is driving this. Still trying to debug. A lot of people seem to have this issue but apparently it does work for fuatakgun. He uses a normal docker container as opposed to a ha addon. Who knows… maybe that is the differentiating factor.

As for the streams, you can not initiate from webrtc. Once activated from ha you can access them through the webrtc portal as well

Interestingly, my garage camera is actually faster in HA than the Eufy app! Both when viewing on my desktop and my phone (verified in split screen view). And more clear! So that’s really nice. Doesn’t seem like audio works on either stream though. Also on desktop I can’t maximize the video to full screen. It just flickers then goes back to normal. Works on mobile though.

Thanks, that style fix worked. For the other issue, I’m also running Eufy Security through a docker container and not addon, so don’t think that’s it! And restarting doesn’t help since I’m stuck with a year old image! Seems like there should be a way to periodically grab an image from the stream in the background to use.

Edit: I re-read your earlier post, and noticed you said restart of the add-on (or in my case eufy security docker) re-loaded the image. And indeed that did work to at least get an image that isn’t a year old! I assume next time I restart HA it will go back to the year old one though.

Ah yeah, that does work. And full screen in desktop works there too.

The camera image will now revert back to the image you have since the most current docker restart. Event image will likely stay as is.

For some reason the push doesn’t work for the image refresh. For a long time we had the same for battery percentage, it only changed on a reload but now it’s working as intended; convinced this can be fixed but my coding is not good at all so will instead debug. Perhaps you can also set debug on and observe what happens when the doorbell is triggered?

Well so much for that. I just went back to the tab I had that dashboard on (not even a refresh), and the doorbell changed back to the image from a year ago again.

If it’s a year ago, which version are you on? Latest docker image?

Really odd behaviour indeed.

Yup, latest docker image. And it’s not like it’s cached locally, because I only first installed all this last week. It must be coming from the camera. Just not sure why.

Also trying to get the pan and tilt to work. Found this: [Feature request] PTZ for Eufy Indoor Cam Pan&Tilt · Issue #217 · AlexxIT/WebRTC · GitHub from fuatakgun, but not sure if something else needs to be added other than the instructions on the WebRTC readme. When I click my cursor turns into arrows but nothing happens. I can zoom in with mousewheel. Doesn’t work on mobile either.

Edit: Disregard! Re-read the Eufy Integration page, and realized there’s TWO ptz’s! I added the “digital ptz” which is just for panning around the image. Followed the instructions on the other page, and ptz works great! And again, it’s more responsive than the official app!

Have updated to v8.0 of integration and have removed webRTC camera and added the recommended one via HACS.

I’ve now removed the RTSP add-on and streaming is working just fine with my existing dashboard setup, using type: custom:webrtc-camera within conditional cards based on streaming status.

If I add just a web-rtc camera card by itself, it gives errors when attempting to start the stream, so not sure if there’s specific config needed to use that.

I set my quality to high on all cameras and could steam OK from my PC but my android pone (Pixel 8 pro) had issues across different cameras in the HA app. Ranging from stream not starting to green and broken image. Working fine on low quality.

Also I feel this is probably expected but I see no way to test audio support as mentioned in the changelog.

Thanks, removing that RTSP addon did the trick for me as well. After that with the webRTC card i am having video :slight_smile: Much faster than before.

I only wonder, any examples of a new card that shows the last picture and when i click on it starts to play the feed? Or do you keep it running the entire time?

EDIT: Found the updated code for the webrtc card on the add-on page. not really working that well for me yet as the old one with the stop button.anyone still has that code?


i am using the eufy integration since quite a while but i am struggling the last weeks to find the right setup in in order to stream from my battery powered cameras (S300).

After the lastest relase i’ve started reading the docs again to be sure that i am doing everything right.

Now i read in the docs:
5- Put Eufy Security Add-on IP Address ( for Supervised installation) and configured port (default 3000) and click Submit.

Where can i find the IP from the Add-On?

If you are using the addon or docker-supervised then its localhost /

Otherwise it’s the IP of the machine you run your docker container on

The Add-On runs inside my HA OS. Does that mean i must use the IP from HA instance?

I am getting this error in the HA Logs and created a Github issue for the Stream Integration like mentioned as causing integration in the log.

Source: components/stream/
Integration: Stream (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 17:32:34 (18 occurrences)
Last logged: 17:39:32

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (HTTP_NOT_FOUND, Server returned 404 Not Found) rtsp://****:****@

But the issue was closed without further support with the hint to ask the community.

Is anybody here who has the same error or can help how to solve it?

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Hi, superb, gonna use some stuff of you :slight_smile:
Why do you use a snapshat instead of the event pic? Its cause it doesnt update for you?
I also go a nuki lock so keep posting :slight_smile:

I’m not surefor the snapshot the device needs to livestream?

Hi all, I will not be updating here anymore, do not agree with the moderation here. I will stick to GitHub from now on.

Have a nice year ahead