Eufy Security Integration

Thanks for reopening; not sure what happened between fuatakgun and the forum moderators but suggest to use this thread for helping eachother out with configuration issues. Any real bugs etc to be logged at either the git repo of Bropat (in relation to the add-on) or Fuatakgun (in relation to the integration)

Indeed, my image doesn’t update on an event - for you this works?

Yes, it’s required to stream to make a snapshot. Basically it extracts the picture from the video stream.

I store it in a jpeg. Not without it’s own challenges though…

Was that really him? Says anonymous. Very weird!

Yes, he requested to delete his account. With Discourse (The forum software deployed here), you cannot delete posts older than 6 months. I’m not sure why that is for the software, but it is. Therefore our options are to delete his account which will delete 6 months of posts but keep the older posts attached to his name, or make his comments anonymous.

Please continue to use this thread to discuss the eufy security integration.

For some reason I was still seeing his name on older posts, but after a refresh I don’t. Anyway, bummer, as he’s done a lot of good stuff, not just on this!

Ok did the entire installation of the plugin and integrations using the manual. I sued the WebRTC version of Fuatakgun. When i reload HA, it works. after shutting down the stream once, and I start it again i get: “mse: streams: streams: unsupported schemne: T8200Nxxxxx”

Its weird as its working once after the reboot.

If you go to http://your-ha-ip:1984 what does that generate?

I see:

The rtsp is odd, how do you invoke the stream?

I use webrtc custom, refering to the camera entity both for rtsp and p2p only entities. EUFY security should trigger the right stream automatically.

Below is an rtsp camera, poster on purpose left blank for the time being:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
entity: camera.backyard
ui: true
style: '.header {display: none} .pictureinpicture {display: none}'
  - name: Play
    icon: mdi:play
    service: camera.turn_on
      entity_id: camera.backyard
  - name: Stop
    icon: mdi:stop
    service: camera.turn_off
      entity_id: camera.backyard

And this is my p2p only camera:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
entity: camera.doorbell
ui: true
style: '.header {display: none} .pictureinpicture {display: none}'
  - name: Play
    icon: mdi:play
    service: camera.turn_on
      entity_id: camera.doorbell
  - name: Stop
    icon: mdi:stop
    service: camera.turn_off
      entity_id: camera.doorbell

I use a similar configuration. also webrtc-camera card.

I tried to download the Eufy Security Add On, and it no longer exists in the Community Store Add ons, I see where the programmer had a rift with moderators and very sorry to see that in all my research to try to integrate my Eufy security camera and homebase he looked like by far the most knowledgable on Eufy products. Without getting involved in the politics…is there ANY path to at least get my door lock recognized as an entity in HA and perhaps control of the light portion of the flood lights (and maybe even a video feed or at least still notification shot?). The Eufy Securty integration seems to stop without the Eufy Security add on…is there a way to bypass that part?

Just add the repo of Bropat and you can install it directly, instructions per link below:

Ok, thats odd, web rtc should show the camera entity name from home assistant. Perhaps raise an issue on the webrtc repo or raise the question in the webrtc topic on this forum?

For comparison, this is what i see in my instance:


Is it possible to user motion sensor to light on without send notification or launch siren ?

I don’t know why but my cameras are showing up as inactive.
I’m not able when they detect something that the card image will be updated…

Also someone knows how I can stream my doorbell to my nest hub if someone ringing the doorbell?

Thank you Ronald I was able to find it that way!

I was able to get the Add on installed…and when adding the integrations I entered the wrong IP address. Now there is no way to get back to that screen. When I try to reconfigure, it ask for capitcha and I pass that and it says it is trying in background but still trys with wrong IP address. I deleted the add on in the store, but it only made me redo the account setup, passwords, etc which I did and still the offending IP address was the problem. Where can I either edit this directly to correct it or remove the integration and start over again?

Which screen are you referring to? Addon does not require any ip address; its optional to include but not required, there is a cloud lookup built in.

The integration needs to refer to the addon. If you installed the addon on your HA machine then this should be localhost (