Eufy Security Integration


alias: EufyRTSPChromecast
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.yard_person_detector_sensor
    attribute: personDetected
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.front_door_person_detector_sensor
    attribute: personDetected
condition: []
  - service: camera.play_stream
      entity_id: camera.yard
      media_player: media_player.chromecast
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Thx, but shouldnt there be a condition in it?
When will it run? It shouldnt run if its off

That works indeed, but how do you stop it?
Theres no camera.stop_stream
It doesnt work with the camera in the doorbell either + it takes quite some time to show it

Please go over readme file in the repository, there is a detailed description of each service.

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thats an automation you should write yourself. Mine is a quick and dirty “reset” button that i can just flip if the streams arent working.

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You’ll notice I only copied that portion of my automation (you can’t see the mode). Just add in a delay of however long you want the stream to last and then you can stop. I thought @anon63427907 was just wanting someone to make sure it worked and I had already done so yesterday so I knew it was.

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I did , i know i can stop the rtsp but if i do that, it doesnt stop the the actual casting :wink:

Willing to show your automations?

You guys are having buffering issues too with the streams?
Here, it plays, then the spinning circle comes, then plays, back the spinning circle etc etc

i have maybe 3-4 seconds of intermittant buffering when the stream is first launched then its solid.

Main discussion entry: P2P Streaming over another Add-On · Discussion #31 · fuatakgun/eufy_security · GitHub . Keeping a copy below here but I prefer to have it over github page not to bloat here.

Hi all,
I would like to bring an important topic into discussion. 
You might notice that non-RTSP based cameras are difficult to manage, configure, 
debug from integration perspective and main reason for me is using file based video output. 
Also, there are some left over files across Home Assistant folders which 
I am having hard time to clean. What I am going to describe below will be valid for 
non-RTSP based cameras but everyone is welcome to participate.

I have modified the integration and it will require you to install another 
new docker `RTSP Simple Server` so incoming video chunks will be forwarded to 
add on and video streaming will be watched over RTSP. More importantly, I see a 
huge improvement in streaming latency, 12 secs vs 6 secs.

**Why I would like to discuss this with you;** I want to deprecate the support of file 
based streaming and everyone to install this add on. I will not remove existing 
functionality of file based streaming but I also will not put time to investigate it. 
Users who want to stick with file based streaming need to debug on their own and 
solve the problem. All code changes are welcome into repository.

**Now, it is your turn, shoot :slight_smile:**

Update: integration has been updated recently, it supports better error handling, faster file based p2p streaming (8 seconds) and much more faster RTSP server based p2p streaming (5 seconds).

Now you have an option to use RTSP server add on on integration options page or stick with file based streaming.

Please update your setup over HACS, follow readme to install new add on and raise issues if needed.

Next: alarm control panel is on the way, coming in next couple of hours


Thanks so much for all your work with this integration! I can now easily set guard mode through HA, something I have dreamed off since Day 1 of owning my Eufy cameras :slight_smile:

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How often do the battery sensors update out of interest? Mine hasn’t updated in 5hrs so just wanted to know :slight_smile: does it also report if guard mode is anything, or does it need to be a specific value like away?

When disarmed, no motion sensors will be received.
You can create custom guard modes and call yhem with services to keep notifications on but alarming off.

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Your readme is eum, difficult to distinguish where the addon for rtsp begins

From which point do i start for that addon?
How is it called cause names look alike

How do you guys work with the alarm station/base ?

Can you give some examples?

@skank , I advise you to follow README file end to end. RTSP Add on is contained second Add on section (GitHub - fuatakgun/eufy_security).

But, please go over it as a whole, to understand overall interactions.

I’ve read it 5 times already lol
But now i see it

i tried the second addon rtsp simple server addon
i enable it in configuration

Now my doorbell isnt streaming anymore

Got following errors

2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] rtsp-simple-server v0.16.4
2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] [RTSP] TCP listener opened on :8554
2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] [RTMP] listener opened on :1935
2021/08/03 16:47:40 I [0/0] [HLS] listener opened on :8888
2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:42994] opened
2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:42994] ERR: no one is publishing to path ‘eufy_security-T8210P00202830FE’
2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:42994] closed
2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:43000] opened
2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:43000] ERR: no one is publishing to path ‘eufy_security-T8210P00202830FE’
2021/08/03 17:22:54 I [0/0] [RTSP] [conn x.x.x.x:43000] closed

You need to publish all logs, not only error ones, check troubleshooting section of repository to do that. And let’s move this as an issue to github

Thank you very much for your great job.