Eufy Security Integration

what device or emulator are you running tinycampro on by the way? ive found it a great app but never found the right platform to run it stably on.

I have 2 times rtspStream, once true and once false, is it active then?

name: Tuin
model: T8114
serialNumber: T8114P0220281DC4
hardwareVersion: eufy2_v
softwareVersion: 2.7.4
stationSerialNumber: T8010P2320280D92
enabled: true
state: 1
battery: 60
batteryTemperature: 21
motionDetected: false
personDetected: false
personName: ‘’
antitheftDetection: true
autoNightvision: true
ledStatus: false
motionDetection: true
rtspStream: true
watermark: 2
wifiRSSI: -66
pictureUrl: >-
motionDetectionSensivity: 46
microphone: true

notificationType: 2
live_streaming_status: null
streaming_source: rtsp
is_streaming: true
queue_size: 0
rtsp_url: rtsp://xxxxxxxx
value: Tuin
timestamp: 1627434307000
value: T8114
timestamp: 1627434307000
value: T8114P0220281DC4
timestamp: 1627434307000
value: 9
timestamp: 1627434307000
value: eufy2_v
timestamp: 1627434307000
value: 2.7.4
timestamp: 1619532677000
value: T8010P2320280D92
timestamp: 1627434307000
value: 207
timestamp: 1627434307000

value: false
timestamp: 1609501873000

I’ve shared it to the account jbrukardt mentioned below. Caution about having your volume up - the Rufous hummingbirds zip by that camera going between feeders and make a high pitched whine noise as they do.

THANK YOU. Let me know what else I can do on my end.

A bunch of devices running Android 4.4.4 (yes, they still exist!) through to 11 and I’ve never had an issue.

Oh, and I am already on version 0.3.3.

can you share with admin right? I want to see all setings.

Oh I should have thought of that.

checked with the specific devices (T8111) and apparently add-on does not support rtsp for it yet, but live streaming over p2p works fine. @dmns please raise an issue over here: Issues · bropat/eufy-security-client · GitHub

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first one matters, second one is defining its properties and initial state.

Everything seems to be ok for your case, maybe you can move this problem to github?

This is completely my fault for having the oldest camera they make. :rofl: But when you run into a set like this on clearance for $35, you buy it.

it is too tempting, no one can hold himself :slight_smile:

Sorry, I missed this. Will try when I can!

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With latest version, i now do get live picture from doorbell!
Approvements! Good.
However with doorbell (p2p) and camera (rtsp), i get buffering issues when streaming.
Anyone else experience this?

How do you guys solve the problem, once the camera image is clicked to see the live feed, we have to stop the service otherwise next time it doesnt work

I have requested add on docker owner to generate an event when stream is ended forcibly, so integration will get updated with stopped state. Until then, you need to call turn_off.

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I specifically do not want to call turn_off because there are multiple users out there, which are keeping their cameras in streaming mode all the time.

Help needed: can anyone stream live feed to alexa show or google cast or another screen using home assistant?

Great ! Thank you. I cant automate the call to turn off.
So it would be welcome that event :slight_smile:

Wow, their battery will be empty very soon then
I thought also that after 3 minutes it shuts down anyway?
Or did i misunderstood

i did this before, , will see if i can do it again and give you the code then
What do you want to achieve?
When doorbell is pressed, the live feed from doorbell cam to google cast?
Or something like that?

Edit, i tried with:

- id: 'Deurbel_gedrukt'
  alias: Deurbel gedrukt
  description: 'Verwittiging iemand aan de voordeur'
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.deurbel_ringing_sensor
      platform: state
      to: 'true'
    - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.keuken
        message: "Er staat iemand aan de voordeur!"
        language: nl
    - delay: "00:00:10"
    - service: media_player.play_media
        entity_id: media_player.keuken
        media_content_type: "video"
        media_content_id: rtsp://[email protected]
    - delay: "00:15:00"
    - service: media_player.turn_off
        - media_player.keuken

The cast starts but shows nothing

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You can, using a script :slight_smile:

Heres the yaml I used to do it, obviously IDs will be different for you

alias: Reset Cameras
  - service: camera.turn_off
    data: {}
        - fc0bdd67fb3024gg33b8c6a763e6e104
        - 32a40a14faca9dgga8ada51b19ce73d56
        - 23def846fe422gg7578efc22d5f9e87
        - 2831f0be591d7ggc88a0416086861a69
        - b24964078b9d5c165fa2f55e7e51ff6
        - b20f0002fb3c5cc19eaade0b2208ee9
        - ca8fb22e6cb81d715860b7f5a6c7222
  - service: camera.turn_on
    data: {}
        - fc0bdd67fb30248bdd6a763e6e104
        - 32a40a14faca9daa8ada51b19ce73d56
        - 23def846fe4228cd7ddefc22d5f9e87
        - 2831f0be591d7ecc8dd16086861a69
        - b24964078b9d5dd165fadd5e7e51ff6
        - b20f0002fb37f5cc19edd0b2208ee9
        - ca8fb22e65cb81d715860bdd7222
mode: single

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