Eufy Solar Camera Power Level Automation

I have a Eufy S340 solar Camera plugged into a USB brick because Eufy solar panels for this camera fail after about 6-10 months outside. They send me new ones and they fail after 10 months or so outside.

I have the USB plug on a smart plug and I can setup automatons to turn on and off the adapter so that the camera feels like it is still on solar power. But I would like to manage the battery on the camera better and not over charge or under charge it. The amount of power it uses is a bit random based on the number of events and temperature outside.

Their are a number of Eufy integrations that exist to allow HA to view cameras (not what I am looking for).

I just want a simple one that can tell me the battery level on the camera and then I can automate a charging based on that.

Has anyone built something like this for a Eufy camera?
