I am using for more than a year eura vdp-90a3 doorbell with electric strike and gate opener. All is integrated in Tuya Smart app and can be controlled via switches in there. Control between doorbell and phone is being held by WiFi - strike and opener are connected with doorbell screen by wire.
Unfortunately when trying to integrate the doorbell with Hass by built-in Tuya integrator - there are only two entities availible - camera montitoring and camera recording. lock.unlock entity seems unavailible to that device. Do you have any idea about workaround that might be done (software preferably) to make it possible to unlock the strike and open the gate with use of Hass?
Thanks for any help in advance!
It seems that it has been indicated as an issue in tuya integrator over here:
Anyway maybe any of you guys have some idea about a bit less complex workaround as indicated by issue author.